Perfect Superstar

Chapter 149

He couldn’tfind the place on his new car’s satellite navigation, so he finally called ChenJianhao, who guided him to the right place. Therefore, he spent a lot of timeon the road.

Thisteahouse is located in Houhai, deep in a secluded alley. It is a very oldcourtyard house.

Behind thecourtyard is the Lakeside Park. It is surrounded by towering trees and lushgreeneries, and the old walls are covered with green vines and dotted with wildflowers. A scene of deep silence and elegance.

Such a courtyardhouse was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Beijing, butit was unexpectedly used to open a teahouse.

The teahousehas obviously been renovated and the decoration was full of antique flavor andcharm.

Entering it,one could hear the sound of a string instrument, which makes peopleunconsciously wash all worries.

Under theguidance of a waiter, Lu Chen came to an elegant room.

There werealready four guests in the room, and Chen Jianhao was one of them. The otherthree were all in their 60s and 70s. They were wearing long shirts and clothshoes, and they were sitting opposite each other, enjoying tea and chatting.

Comparedwith these elegant elders, Chen Jianhao was undoubtedly a junior, and hisattitude was very respectful.

Seeing LuChen came in, he immediately got up and said, "Little Lu is here. I’ll introduceyou to some seniors."

The threeold men all turned their heads and looked towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chensuddenly froze.

Because he knewone of the elders, the one he often encountered when exercising in RiversidePark!


Lu Chenfirst said hello to Chen Jianhao, then said with a smile, "Hello, Grandpa,long time no see."

The other partywas also surprised to see Lu Chen, and then grumbled: "What acoincidence."

It seemedthat he still has a grudge against Lu Chen.

Chen Jianhaowas surprised: "Little Lu, do you know Professor Chen?"

This old manwas unexpectedly a professor?

Lu Chen nodded:"He can be regarded as an acquaintance, but I didn’t know grandfather’sname."

Chen Jianhaowas relieved and said with a smile, "Then I’ll give you a formalintroduction!"

The old man whomLu Chen had met many times before is Chen Pu, a retired Chinese professor atPeking University.

The old manin a green shirt, sitting on the left of Professor Zhang, is Gao Yue. He is aprofessor in the Composition Department of Beijing Conservatory of Music and isabout to retire.

And the oldman with white beard on the right is unexpectedly the famous director ZhangWentian!

ProfessorsChen Pu and Gao Yue. Lu Chen was very unfamiliar with them and he has neverheard of their names before.

But DirectorZhang Wentian name’s was just like thunder piercing his ear. He once directed twomajor dramas, "Romance of the three Kingdoms" and "Outlaws ofthe Marsh" in the 1990s, both of which set a record for TV drama ratingsat that time.

He has alsodirected a number of ancient costume blockbusters. He specialized in historicaland military films, and he has won many awards. He is a highly respected seniorin the industry, but he has been quiet in recent years and have not come upwith new works.

Many youngpeople may not know Zhang Wentian very well, but Lu Chen is definitely not oneof them.

He has seen "Romanceof the three Kingdoms" and "Outlaws of the Marsh" more than once at home.

So now thathe saw Zhang Wentian, he really has the feeling of seeing an idol!

Of course, whetherit was Zhang Wentian, Chen Pu or Gao Yue, Lu Chen was very polite and respectful.

For LuChen’s respectful attitude, the two seniors still have a good impression.

Chen Pu saidto Zhang Wentian, "This boy is the one I photographed that day to show you.The one who practiced boxing blindly."

ZhangWentian suddenly said, "I remember that the young man practiced Wing ChunBoxing, but there was something wrong with the routine."

He smiled atLu Chen and said, "Nowadays, few young people like Chinese martial arts.They all practice foreign boxing and Taekwondo. If you like to learn martialarts, I can introduce you to a master."

Boxing and Taekwondoare both Olympic events, and are very competitive. Therefore, it has a greatinfluence all over the world.

Taekwondo, inparticular, was very popular for a while. Many parents send their children tostudy how to strengthen their bodies and sharpen their will. As a result, Taekwondomartial arts schools have sprung up everywhere in various cities.

In contrast,traditional Chinese martial arts’ routines are serious, with a preference forappreciation and artistry, and not many people study it.

Sanda, whichis derived from martial arts, emphasizes on athletics and actual combat, butthe style is too fierce, like free fighting and Thai boxing. It is not popularwith ordinary people. (TN: Sanda = Mixed Martial Arts)

Lu Chen’sboxing comes from Mo Ran’s memory. Its inheritance and development aredifferent from this world. Lu Chen isn’t blindly practicing it.

But ZhangWentian meant well. So, he thanked him and said, "Thank you, DirectorZhang."

Chen Jianhaodidn’t know that Lu Chen knew martial arts. He was a little surprised.

But hedidn’t forget his business. He interjected and said to Gao Yue, "UncleGao, Little Lu wants to attend a lecture in Beijing Conservatory of Music. Pleasegive me a hand."

Gao Yue saidwith a smile, "Since Jianhao has asked for help, it’s not good for me asan uncle to say no."

He took outa business card and pen and quickly wrote a few lines of fine print andsignature in the blank space on the back of the business card.

When he hadfinished writing, Gao Yue handed the business card to Lu Chen and said, "Takeit and contact Director Lu of the Academic Affairs Office. There is DirectorLu’s phone number on it, and he will handle it for you."

Lu Chen didn’texpect the matter to be solved so simply. He quickly said, "Thank you,Professor Gao!"

The more heknows about music, the more he feels his own inadequacy.

Therefore,Lu Chen has long had the idea of going to higher education institutions tostudy. Of course, he didn’t have the qualifications to apply for theexamination, so attending a lecture has become his best choice. Moreover, hisaction and time isn’t constraint.

It’s justthat it’s not so easy to get a permit to attend from key institutions likeBeijing and Northern Conservatory of Music, so Lu Chen asked Chen Jianhao forhelp and asked if anyone he knew could get this permit.

As a result,Chen Jianhao introduced him to two professors and a director.

This favor isreally not small!

Gao Yuesmiled gently and said, "Don’t be so polite. You have great creativetalents, and you wrote songs very well."

As a professorin the Composition Department of Beijing Conservatory of Music, Gao Yue doesn’thave any prejudice against pop music.

When ChenJianhao mentioned this matter to him earlier, he inquired about Lu Chen’sorigin and listened to several of his works. He was quite appreciative of thelatter’s talent.

Such a youngman, who is not only not deceived by the vanity of the entertainment industry, butalso want to learn to enrich himself, is worth encouraging!

Otherwise,Gao Yue may not be willing to help so readily.

After all,he is responsible for Lu Chen’s permit to attend.

ZhangWentian was surprised: "Is Little Lu a musician?"

Gao Yuereplied, "Yes, have you heard of "In Spring"? He wrote that song."

"In Spring?"

ZhangWentian was even more surprised: "That song was written by LittleLu?"

Although theveteran director doesn’t pay much attention to the entertainment industry anddoesn’t like current pop music, he has actually heard the song "In Spring"more than once.

Because hisyoungest son likes this song very much and often plays and sings this song athome with his guitar!

ZhangWentian had no idea that this work that was full of vicissitudes was actuallycreated by this young man in front of him.

Gao Yue saidwith a smile, "I didn’t expect it either, but this work was really writtenby Little Lu."

ZhangWentian sighed: "It’s true that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushesthe front waves. The new generation is better than the old!"

He was surprised,but he didn’t question Lu Chen’s idea at all, because it was not necessary atall.

Chen Pusuddenly said, "Old Zhang, aren’t you having a headache about the themesong of your movie? Let him give you some advice!"

ZhangWentian was caught off guard: "Er..."

Gao Yueagreed: "Right, let’s gather ideas. We are all old, and we should listenmore to the voices of young people."

ZhangWentian said with a smile, "It sounds like everyone has become an antique.All right, let’s listen!"

He said toLu Chen, "Little Lu, this is what happened..."

At first, LuChen was a little confused, but he soon understood.

It turnedout that Zhang Wentian was recently preparing to make a big movie about thetragic and stirring story of the late Qing Dynasty’s Opium War, the invasion ofthe imperial powers of the Qing Court, the resistance of the righteous people, andthen the awakening of national spirit.

The scripthas been written, and now it has entered the stage of preparing for filming.However, Zhang Wentian encountered problems in the selection of the film’stheme song. He was not satisfied with the selection of more than a dozencapitals, which didn’t meet his requirements.

Mostdirectors add the soundtrack after filming. Zhang Wentian’s habits aredifferent. He attaches great importance to the soundtrack. In the early stage, hemust determine the style and tone of the soundtrack, including the theme song.

In the eyeof this great director, the theme song of the film is the best representativeof the connotation and idea of the film. A good theme song can greatly enhance thecharm of the film, which is as important as the script!

The problem wasthat he was very demanding, and as a result, the theme song was delayed.

Although itis said that the song and shooting can be carried out at the same time, ZhangWentian has actually been worrying about it in his heart.

Today, hehad tea with his two old friends, Chen Pu and Gao Yue, and asked them to give himsome advice.

Two professors,one wrote lyrics and the other composed music. They have collaborated on worksbefore, and maybe they can solve the problem.

Chen Pu andGao Yue were happy to help, but they were not so sure that they could writeworks that were in line with what’s on Zhang Wentian’s mind. What they talkedabout just now was the theme song.

Chen Jianhaojust happened to be here, because of his relationship with Gao Yue.

As for LuChen, who just came over, it was just luck!

Under normalcircumstances, it was difficult for him to meet Zhang Wentian. Where can he sitdown and communicate with the latter.

ZhangWentian only said those to pour out the depression in his heart. He didn’texpect Lu Chen to provide any useful advice at all.

What he didn’texpect was that Lu Chen, after listening for a while, said, "DirectorZhang, I have a work that may meet your requirements."


ZhangWentian wondered if he had heard wrong.

Not only him,but also Chen Pu and Gao Yue looked surprised.

The newborncalf is really not afraid of tigers!


TN: A shout out to Riandy H. Thank you for your support.

TN: The meaning of the title (in general): This is generally use to describe young people. It’s either being fearless or being ignorant. When using this idiom, some focus on emphasizing lack of experience, including derogatory meanings; some focus on emphasizing courage and fearlessness. It also means being reckless or bold.

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