Perfect Superstar

Chapter 137

The firstseason of Beijing Satellite TV’s first reality show program was a completesuccess, with a rating of 6.87% that night.

Although notable to break the 7% record, Beijing Satellite TV has been very satisfied. Itis not only scheduled to produce the second season next year, but they alsorevealed a surprising news on their official blog.

That is, thechampion of the first season will serve as a judge of the second season, and thiswill become a customary rule!

And thechampion of the first season of "Singing China" is Lu Chen.

The news hasmade Lu Chen’s number of fans in Inspur Blog soar, and brought him substantialbenefits.

Lu Chen Studioreceived two performance business and an advertising agency inquiry, and abrokerage company that had previously contacted once again came to buy songs.

In addition,there was an interview request with Lu Chen from QQ Music!

Therefore,Lu Chen not only didn’t become idle because "Singing China" has ended, insteadhe became busier.

But beforedealing with these businesses, Lu Chen must first receive a very importantguest.

Lin Zhijie, afamous musician, and Flying Stone Records’ music director.

He is alsoone of the four judges of "Singing China".

And he came onbehalf of Flying Stone Records.

In the BlueCourt Café on the top floor of Jinghua Hotel, adjacent to the Blue Sky BusinessPark, Lu Chen and Lu Xi received the distinguished guest, along with two of hisassistants.

"LuChen, are you sure you don’t want to reconsider it again?"

Lin Zhijieasked seriously, his attitude is very serious: "Such an opportunity, it wouldbe a pity to miss it!"

The musicdirector of Flying Stone Records is in his forties. He is tall, thin and has a solemnface and does not like to talk much.

In thedomestic pop music world, Lin Zhijie is not famous outside the circle, butalmost everyone inside the circle knows him.

He used tobe an excellent singer-songwriter. Later, he secretly joined Flying StoneRecords, producing several big-selling albums for a number of stars. He is knownfor his high ability and rigorous working attitude.

Lu Chen gotacquainted with Lin Zhijie because of "Singing China". Lin Zhijieappreciated Lu Chen’s creative talent very much, so he personally invited LuChen to join his company.

In LinZhijie’s view, Lu Chen signing with Flying Stone Records is an excellent thingfor both parties.

However, LuChen politely refused.

With LuChen’s refusal, he has also refused the new star training fund worth 4 million!

The prizefor the Champion of "Singing China" is 5 million, but it is dividedinto 1 million cash and 4 million new star training fund.

1 millionafter-tax bonuses were provided by Beijing Satellite TV, plus the winningbonuses from six competitions and the chief bonus from Beijing Singing area. LuChen has won a total of 1.4 million throughout the whole competition. (TN: 6competitions from 6 singing areas)

And it’s allafter tax!

BeijingSatellite TV could be said to have spent a lot of money, but compared to theiradvertising revenue, that is only a drop in the bucket.

The champion’s4 million new star training fund was even more amazing, and the one thatprovided it was not Beijing Satellite TV, but Flying Stone Records!

But this isnot a fund that can be directly obtained. It belongs to a whole set of artisttraining, packaging, promotion costs. And first of all, one has to sign anartist contract with Flying Stone Records.

Flying StoneRecords is the partner of Beijing Satellite TV’s "Singing China".This clause was made clear when the program was publicized, so there was noissue with deception.

If it wereany other ordinary newcomer, this would be nothing serious. It is a dream to beable to sign up with Flying Stone Records!

Flying StoneRecords is one of the most famous record companies in China. In its mostglorious period, it can be regarded as the leader of the record industry.

At thattime, the company had a number of Heavenly Kings and Queens. At least one-thirdof the big-selling albums sold in the 1980s and 1990s were produced by FlyingStone Records.

Its logo - agolden stone with white wings, was familiar to countless people.

However,after entering the new century, with the rise of a large number of new media, thematurity and wide spread of digital music, coupled with the huge impact ofonline piracy, the golden age of the recording industry is gone forever!

Since 2003,the management of Flying Stone Records has encountered unprecedenteddifficulties, once faced with the verge of bankruptcy.

Until 2007, whenSuperstar Culture Media invested in Flying Stone Records, replaced theirconservative and complacent senior managers, and followed the trend of the timesto expand various business, the famous company was finally pulled back from theedge of the cliff.

Nowadays,Flying Stone Records’ influence in the industry is far less than in its gloriousperiod, but it is still a first-class company.

Thiscooperation with Beijing Satellite TV shows the ambition of Flying StoneRecords.

It hassuccessfully signed a number of strong singers, including Mu Xiaochu, who has agood relationship with Lu Chen.

But LinZhijie believes that those signed singers can’t be compared to one Lu Chen!

So, he cameto make a final effort.

Lu Chen wasreally moved by Lin Zhijie’s sincere attitude. It must be known that the other party’sposition in the circle is not comparable to that of a small newcomer. Moreover,neither Beijing Satellite TV nor Flying Stone Records has not set a hidden rulethreshold in the "Singing China" competition, which made him won thechampionship smoothly.

Many talent showsare co participated by entertainment agencies to train and discover new talent.Once they find a good seedling, they will right away ask them to sign contracts.If the contestant does not sign the contract or has already signed anothercompany, then wanting to stand out in the competition is just a fool’s dream.

In the past,Xiangnan Satellite TV would play this trick most, and many excellent contestantswere poached. It was only after this was disclosed a number of times that thiswas restrain.

He was just merelymoved with emotion, Lu Chen’s determination to be an independent artist remainedunchanged.

His careeris in its infancy and is about to vigorously develop. It’s not worth it to startagain with Flying Stone Record. Even with the so-called 4 million new star trainingfund as the foundation, it’s not worth the loss.

"DirectorLin, I have already considered it very clearly..."

Lu Chen saidwith embarrassment: "I don’t want to sign up with any record company or agency.I’m really sorry."

"That’sreally regrettable."

Lin Zhijie feltthat it was really a pity, just like a master craftsman who sees good qualitymaterials but could not afford it.

However, themusic director of Flying Stone Records was not angry or upset. He is not sonarrow-minded.

But LinZhijie’s two assistants were more or less disapproving.

Have youmade a mistake? Such a good opportunity but you didn’t want it. What’s going onin your head?

It isunknown how many newcomers outside want to break their heads and get in, letalon Lin Zhijie’s admiration.

If it weren’tfor Lin Zhijie not saying anything, both assistants would like to teach Lu Chenhow to be a qualified newcomer!

Newcomersnowadays really don’t know the complexity of things. (TN: Like immensity ofheaven and earth.)

"I’m reallysorry!"

Lu Chenapologized again with his hands together.

Lin Zhijiesmiled magnanimously, waved his hand and said, "It doesn’t matter. Therewill be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Of course,he just said a polite word and was ready to leave.

But Lu Chen’seyes lit up as soon as he heard this, and immediately said, "Director Lin,I really have a business that I want to work with your company. Can I have afew more words with you?"

Lin Zhijie wasabout to get up. Hearing Lu Chen’s words, he sat down again: "Let’s hear aboutthe business."

The twoassistants looked at each other and could only sigh that Lin Zhijie was really generous.

Is FlyingStone Records still short of Lu Chen’s business?

Having beenrejected twice before, Lin Zhijie not only did not get angry, but also gave hima chance.

This really makesone speechless.

"DirectorLin, it’s like this..."

At thistime, it was the elder sister’s turn to tell Lin Zhijie the most importantbusiness of Lu Chen Studio.

Afterlistening carefully, Lin Zhijie was surprised: "Do you want to give LuChen’s first album to us, Flying Stone Records, for production and distribution?"

Lu Xi said witha smile, "Yes, because in this respect, Flying Stone Records is the bestin China. It’s also our luck for Lu Chen to get to know Director Lin."

Although hissister’s personality is a little stubborn and cold, she can also say words thatare pleasant to hear, and she says them very well.

Theimportance of this album to Lu Chen was self-evident.

In the popmusic scene, if a singer wants to produce a record, Flying Stone Records isundoubtedly the best channel, there is no one else.

Whether it isindustry influence or network resources, they are considered as the leader.

Although itis said that today’s entertainment industry is taking the idol route, that arecord is only to improve the demand, and it can also take the channel ofonline sales, and does not necessarily need to rely on professional recordcompanies such as Flying Stone Records.

However,there is still a demand in this area. Many people in the 80s and 90s havenostalgic complex. If they encounter their favorite singer releasing an album,they will buy a CD as a commemoration and listen to it in their spare time.

As a result,Flying Stone Records has always been engaged in record production anddistribution, but on a much smaller scale than it used to be.

In otherwords, what Lu Chen Studios wants to cooperate with was only a small business.

Lin Zhijie wasvery curious: "Why do you want records? Is it not good to go online? Thatway, the cost will be much lower, and you don’t have to worry about not beingable to sell and lose money. Now, nine out of ten, CDs will make you lose money."

Singers usedto make money selling records. Now, it’s fans’ economy. If they rely onrecords, they will starve to death!

Lu Xi saidwith confidence: "We are going to release through online and CD at thesame time. It is mainly for sale in the fan circle. If possible, I would liketo visit your production department to face-to-face discussion."

"I justneed your help with the introduction."

Comparedwith Flying Stone Records, Lu Chen Studio is simply weak. If no one is torecommend them to come directly to the door, perhaps the other party will nottake them seriously, and who knows how much trouble there will be.

Lu Chen hasalready made an album sales plan, and has discussed it many times with Lu Xi beforehand.

Regardingher brother’s idea, Lu Xi very much admired it.

Seeing the brotherand sister so confident made Lin Zhijie secretly sigh.

However, hewas still willing to help with this small favor, so he asked his assistant totake out a business and give it to Lu Xi.

"Takemy card and go directly to Manager Yin Haoyin in the marketing department ofour company. He will help you."

Lu Chen andLu Xi looked at each other and said in unison, "Thank you, DirectorLin!"


TN: NirvanaStudio is responsible for producing his song, While Flying Stone Records willbe responsible for producing records (CD) and distribution of his song. I’mjust putting this here if there are people who got confuse on this, just like Idid.

TN: Originof the title: (I just copy and paste it here)

It means"very touched, then refused him."

Origin ofthe event: On November 11, 2012, Wang Wenzhao, a male student at Wenhua Collegeof Huazhong University of Science and Technology, sent a 160,000-word loveletter he wrote to his favorite girl in 212 days. The content of this loveletter includes a variety of styles such as prose and poetry. The main contentis to recall the things that the two people have done together or to borrow thescenery. He bound it into a book and named "I don’t want to let youalone." The girl was very moved and then refused him.

In this incident, the "girl was very moved, and then refused him" was narrowed down by the netizen to the new word "ten move". Then, the netizen began the sentence of "ten moving to reject the body". "Ten moving and rejecting the body" quickly became popular.

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