Perfect Superstar

Chapter 52

TN: There was minor mistake in Chapter 51.

“Leaves, don’t you think I’m a light bulb?” was changed to “Yezi, don’t you think I’m a light bulb?”

The so-called “exposed bottom” is a jargon, referring to brand-new packaged goods that are ready to be sold, where the seal at the bottom of the package has been heated with a hair dryer so that the seal won’t be damaged, making it look like it wasn’t tampered with1, and then taking out the accessories or the actual good and replacing them with refurbished goods or even fake goods, thus making huge profit.

As long as this trick is done properly, ordinary customers can’t see through the flaws at all. They still think that all the goods have not been opened and are sure that it was the real deal, and they don’t have the faintest idea that they have been cheated.

Lu Chen saw that the salesman happily promised, so he gave a warning in advance, letting the salesman know that he also knows these things and he won’t be fooled. So that he would not be troubled later.

In fact, when it comes to darker stores, shop assistants often fool customers into paying first and then cheat them with older versions of the same style and different models. The water is very deep in the computer sales industry.

However, costumers are now smarter. And with the internet being more developed and with fast information transmission, everyone is more willing to go to reliable shopping websites, so that people can avoid these infamous digital cities.

The salesman’s face was stiff and showed a smile that was more ugly than crying. “Please be assured, sir, our store pays a lot of attention in our reputation and will not deceive customers!”

Lu Chen laughed but did not speak. Of course, he did not dare to continue arguing. But if the other side did not understand, he didn’t mind using other means2.

The salesman went to the warehouse to transfer the goods. Zuo Xintian said with great admiration, “Senior, you are really great!”

She and Ye Zitong are both very smart girls. How can they not see the salesman’s guilt? If they hadn’t invited Lu Chen to help them today, and instead come by themselves, where would they get this kind of connection?

It is estimated that the price of the goods is according to the online price, and the contents are the genuine items.

Ye Zitong was a little worried: “Will there be trouble with the warranty later?”

The salesman was crushed by Lu Chen. It’s hard to guarantee that he won’t take revenge.

Lu Chen laughed and said, “Why look for them for warranty? Just go straight to customer service. If you want them to do repair, you’ll just get trick again. There’s no need at all!”

The water is deeper in maintenance than in sales!

Ye Zitong felt relieved. Her beautiful eyes swayed and she bit her lip and asked, “Mr. Lu Chen, why did you say you wanted to buy two sets? Do you want to buy one for yourself?”

This kind of notebook is suitable for girls and obviously it was not for him.

Lu Chen explained, “Yes, the other one is for my sister, who is going to take the university entrance examination next year.”

Ye Zitong smiled and said, “It turned out to be the case. You are so good to your sister!”

As a result, she accidentally saw Zuo Xintian’s ambiguous gaze, and she immediately blushed.

Lu Chen laughed, but he was sighing in his heart.

His sister Lu Xue used to have a computer. Later, when the family had a problem, she became Cinderella from being a little princess3.

Lu Chen has always wanted to buy her a new computer, and now he can give her one.

Two new computers have been brought in.

Lu Chen carefully checked it twice to make sure that there was no problem, then opened the box and checked the machine, and finally paid the bill.

At this time, the two girls finally got the chance to show their talents. Under their insistence, the store finally sent two sets of matching keyboards and mouse, which were cheaper than online shopping.

Finally, the salesman, with a bitter face, sent the trio out respectfully.

Ye Zitong was in a good mood after having bought a suitable new computer. “Senior, I’ll invite you to dinner tonight. Thank you!”

It’s 5 p.m., just in time for dinner.

Zuo Xintian faintly said, “Please don’t invite me. The most ruthless one is a sister... ah!”

Suddenly, as Zuo Xintian said her last sentence, it sounded a pitch higher. It turned out that Ye Zitong couldn’t stand it anymore displayed her skills, hitting her weak points, frightening her to hide behind Lu Chen.4

“Senior, help me!”

Two girls began playing and laughing while Lu Chen was in the middle.

They didn’t know how many passers-by’s gaze they have attracted.

And Lu Chen felt that he had return back when he was still in college, very warm and happy.

They also had a great dinner.

Ye Zitong finally paid the bill. Lu Chen was prepared to pay the bill, but the former insisted.

He could see that Ye Zitong is a kind of girl who has self-respect, intelligent and reserved, beautiful but not arrogant. She came from a good family, so she did not like to take advantage of others.

Such a girl, there may not be one in a thousand people.

Lu Chen didn’t deny his affection towards Ye Zitong, but as for where this feeling will lead to, he just left it to fate.

Even if they can’t be a lover, being friend is also very good.

It was still early when they left the restaurant.

Lu Chen said, “May I have the honor of inviting the two of you to sit in the Forget Worries Bar?”

Before Ye Zitong answered, Zuo Xintian clapped her hands and said, “That’s great. Can you sing a new song?”

Lu Chen asked, “New song? Do you not like You at The Same Table and Cinderella?”

These two songs have become his signature in Forget Worries Grass. Many customers come to listen to him singing.

“You at the same table and Cinderella are very nice!”

Zuo Xintian said with a smile, “But if you can send a song to Yezi, that would be the best!”

It was clearly just for her own enjoyment, but she wants to pull Ye Zitong.

Ye Zitong covered her face with her hand, and she had a helpless expression.

Lu Chen laughed and said, “Let’s go together. I’ll send you back to school before 10 o’clock.”

Zuo Xintian cried out, “Long live senior!”

Ye Zitong moved out two steps to create distance, indicating that she had nothing to do with the mad girl.

But she did not reject Lu Chen’s proposal.

After stopping a taxi, Lu Chen and two girls went to the Forget Worries Bar.

On the first night of the weekend, the business in the bar was very good. It was only a little passed 7 o’clock but there were already no available table.

Fortunately, there is still a seat in front of the bar.

Lu Chen took them over and said to the bartender, “Brother David, these two are my friends, take care of them, please.”

Two beautiful girls sitting in front of the bar will inevitably attract the attention of some wild people. The mood of Forget Worries Bar and the quality of customers are good, but there’s no rule that says that costumers can’t pick up girls.

With David’s care, he can get them out of trouble, and he can arrange them as soon as there’s an empty table.

David’s eyes lit up when he saw Ye Zitong and Zuo Xintian.

He raised a jug and pressed his left hand on his chest. He bowed like a gentleman and said, “Good evening, two beautiful ladies. Nice to meet you. My name is David, David Lee!”

Ye Zitong and Zuo Xintian both felt that he was very interesting. They laughed and answered, “Hello.”

“Let me guess which of you is the girlfriend of small boss Lu...”

Zuo Xintian poked Ye Zitong’s arm, causing the latter to roll her eyes.

Zuo Xintian said with a sweet smile, “We are all Mr. Lu Chen’s junior sisters. Brother David, Does Mr. Lu have a girlfriend now? And why did you call him small boss Lu?”


David was surprised. “You don’t know?”

Lu Chen finally couldn’t continue listening. “You talk, I’ll go backstage and prepare to sing.”

He had to run away.

Zuo Xintian shouted behind him, “Senior, don’t forget what you said!”

After running to the backstage and saying hello to Sister Na, Lu Chen borrowed a guitar from Qin Hanyang, and then went on stage.

There are many guests in the bar who know Lu Chen. They are very happy to see him appear.

Lu Chen’s performance time has already changed to 11 o’clock, and he no longer sings every day, so it’s really a surprise to see him on stage so early.

Applause and whistles were heard at the same time.

Lu Chen sat in front of the microphone with his guitar in his arms and said, “Thank you, I will sing three songs tonight. The first two are the ones that you like and are familiar with. As for the third song...”

He paused and looked at the two girls sitting at the bar. “It’s going to be a new song!”

“This is also the first time I will sing this at Forget Worries Bar!”

The applause, which had just subsided, rang out again, at least ten times warmer than before.

To those old customers, who doesn’t know Lu Chen’s talent, who doesn’t like his original works? It’s a surprise to hear that he will sing a new song again!

Zuo Xintian grasped Ye Zitong’s arm tightly and said excitedly, “Yezi, senior is really going to sing a new song!”

Ye Zitong nodded, her eyes shining brightly.


TN: The raw didn’t say the reason for using the hair dryer, so I added it since it’s basically what it implies.1

TN: The original words here is ‘sharpen the knife to the pig and sheep’ which means prepare for a good thing in advance and eager to try.2

TN: Basically means that they use to have a good life to having a hard life.3

TN: If I’m not mistaken, she tickled her.4

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