Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 498: Cleansing the Anima

Chapter 498: Cleansing the Anima

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QUEEN OF BEASTS: Alyssah_Maree

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Lerrin\'s gaze on him was hot and wary. The male had subconsciously taken a defensive stance. Reth tsked.

"There is no agenda, Lerrin," he growled quietly. "We have guards and watchers within the people to watch the mood and try to settle any trouble before it starts. There\'s a signal we can give to move them to the outsides of the clearing, to watch for any trying to escape."

Lerrin nodded but remained wary. "Will they take prisoners, or fight?"

"Depends what signal we give them," Reth said.

Behryn shifted his weight. He hadn\'t wanted Reth to share this kind of information with Lerrin, even now. But Reth knew to build the bridge between their peoples, he had to be willing to step onto it first.

Lerrin sighed. "Well, do you want to make the call? I need to know what to tell them. They won\'t take an instruction to meld from anyone but a wolf. And besides, if this goes ass over head, you don\'t want to be associated with it," he finished dryly.

"This will definitely work? No loopholes?" Reth asked him.

Lerrin nodded. "They won\'t be able to work against the agreement without everyone knowing. It\'s intended to keep the wolves on a common path, and usually only used for issues within the tribe. But… this isn\'t the first time in history that the wolves have needed to prove their ability to play well with others."

Reth huffed a humorless laugh and once again wished that he\'d seen the value in Lerrin before things went this far. "But what will happen to those who leave, if you do this. They\'ll be cut off from their tribe?"

Lerrin winced.? "Sort of. They will be… outsiders. It\'s impossible when you resist the common good for others to trust you completely. If any of them don\'t want to take the melding but want to stay, you\'d have to decide what to do with them. The lupines will hold them at arm\'s length."


"Not exactly, but close. They will not be trusted. By anyone."

"Which will only push them further into their resistance," Reth growled.

Lerrin nodded, but didn\'t speak.

Reth raked a hand through his hair. No matter which way they turned, there was no chance of walking away from this clearing with every one from every tribe. So he had to determine what course of action would bring them the most—without putting the majority at risk.

He looked at Aymora and Behryn caught his gaze. "I wouldn\'t," his best friend muttered. "She\'s not on board for this yet. Too protective of her people, and you. She fears it\'s all trick. She will work with any Lupine that show themselves open and submitted, but this goal to bring them all back to the City today… she\'s struggling with that."

Reth sighed. "Okay… Lerrin, you tell them that they can leave peacefully, but they must move away from the City, and we\'ll have eyes on them. They have to leave the Tree City region. And if they\'re found to gather and organize in groups larger than ten, we will hunt them down."

Behyn\'s eyebrows popped up. "Wouldn\'t it just be better to—"

"They\'ll have loved ones remaining in the City," Reth interrupted. "If we start killing wolves before we\'ve even tried to join… they won\'t trust us. We have to take some risks, Behryn, and this is one of them. Set the signal for the guards to retreat and watch. They can follow any they see heading towards the City—no ambushes."

Both males nodded and turned, Behryn to give the silent signal to his guards, and Lerrin to face his people who remained deep in discussion—some arguing, some clearly showing excitement for what was to come.

Reth realized he was clenching his teeth so hard his jaw was aching and he opened his mouth to roll his jaw for a moment to relax it.

Help us, he prayed silently, sensing the tension rippling through the clearing as Lerrin stepped forward to address the Lupines again.

"My brothers and sisters!" he called and the hum of discussion eased. "Our Alpha has decided mercy… if you do not wish to take the melding, you will be allowed to leave, but you must move away from the City. And trackers will be watching you. If you organize in groups larger than ten, you will be hunted. The Anima will not be allowed to live in dissension any longer. I urge you… take this step in faith with us! Move towards peace, not more war. Do not allow your pride to determine your steps! I stand here before you, a testament to where pride can bring you. Do not follow me in this!"

There was an uneasy moment where everyone realized they had reached the point where they would be forced to make a decision. Lupines eyed their neighbors and whispered, their faces pinched and drawn.

Then, one voice rose and everyone turned.

"I will not watch Lupine lives given to service of the Pride!" a single male snarled, storming out of the crowd and towards the edge of the clearing. "You all lost a battle, not your spines. Do not believe this cat and his sycophants. If you align with this, if you take the melding, it will only be a long, slow death under the paws of the pride!"

There were several hisses from the Anima behind him, but Reth didn\'t take his eyes off the wolves. Most of whom watched the male storm out of the clearing, throwing his arms as if pushing off their gazes.

Reth waited as, here and there, a single wolf at a time, seven or eight individuals muttered curses, then pushed out of the crowds to follow the male out.

He caught eyes with Behryn, who nodded. They had guards set to watch these people. But no one argued with them. No one tried to pull them back.

Was it possible there were so few that would refuse the melding? Or were there dissenters among them that thought they could somehow avoid it?

Only minutes later, no other wolves were moving and everyone turned to look at Lerrin, whose throat bobbed. "Are there any others who will not take the melding?"

Everyone looked around and down the rows of Anima around them, but no others moved.

And then, remarkably, despite the tension in the air, despite the murmurs of disapproval, Reth began to see heads nodding and Anima encouraging each other. He watched as a few of the Lupines approached the Councils and discussion began. And when Lerrin smiled, he knew.

It was going to work.


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