A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 251: Fears Confirmed

251 Fears Confirmed

Jin Yue\'s eyes widened and a hopeful smile washed his features/

He immediately walked up to a nurse and asked for the obstetric department. The lady directed him and he thanked her before rushing off. When he approached the doors, he slowed down a little, organizing his words.

Before he could push open the doors, a doctor beat him to it. He greeted and walked in right after him. There was a long hall way with adjourning doors, some doctors and nurses were walking around. Jin Yue looked around for a while before his eyes fell on a nurse who was chattering with another.

She looked like a talkative, like someone who didn\'t think before speaking. At that moment, that was the kind of person he was looking for. Walking up to them, he greeted with a smile.

\'\'Good morning to you, how can we help you?\'\'

The one he had seen talking a while ago replied. Jin Yue smiled and cleared his throat.

\'\'I\'m here to see someone, my childhood friend who miscarried. I was told she was admitted here. \'\'

\'\'Oh, that\'s so sad, what\'s her name?\'\'

\'\'Xin Yong…\'\'

Jin Yue\'s heart beat against his chest as he prayed profusely for her not to be the one.

\'\'Oh my God, that pitiful lady; she even tried killing herself after that! She was so sickly and pale. Everyone got worried when she was not speaking to anybody, who would have thought that she had planned to kill herself!\'\'

The second lady inched closer and whispered;

\'\'I even heard that she was like that because her fiancé left her even with child! Isn\'t that wicked!? I pray he meets his doom soon, such men shouldn\'t be walking on the surface of the earth!\'\'

The nurses continued gossiping; completely forgetting that Jin Yue was there.

When Jin Yue heard what the nurses said, his heart stopped for a moment. All his fears had been confirmed, at that moment he felt like dying.

Everything came haunting him.

He had killed his child! His own child with his own hands!

Images of a cute baby girl appeared before his eyes, she looked like Xin Yong, and she was smiling brightly at him then all of a sudden her head was smashed with a club.

Jin Yue shut his eyes immediately to get the thoughts out of his head.

\'\'Oh Mr.; she had been discharged. She\'s no longer here. \'\'

The second nurse who just realized Jin Yue was still standing with them replied pitifully. The way they stared at him, made Jin Yue feel guiltier.

He nodded forcefully and dragged himself out of the hospital. He entered his car and closed the door, locking all the windows shut.

He didn\'t know. He didn\'t know that she was with child!

How much damage has he done?

He killed his own child, made her try to kill herself?

Would she ever forgive him?

Jin Yue placed his head on the steering as tears slowly fell from his eyes.

He needed to see her; he needed to ask for forgiveness. Even though he was not sure that she would forgive him, in fact, it looked impossible, but he would at least try.

Since she left him, he had not had peace of mind. Every night haunted him, now that he knew he had killed his child, he couldn\'t even bear to breathe. He did not know how to live with it, it was unbearable.

He sat in the car crying for God knows how long, after a while, he pulled himself together. If he wanted to do this, he had to think straight. Now he knew that she was in the town, how was he going to find her?

Jin Yue ransacked his brain and after a while, a thought came into his mind.

He should ask those nurses, they looked like they knew a lot about her. If they knew that her fiancé left her that meant that they may know where she lived or how he may locate her.

Nodding to himself, Jin Yue stepped out of the car. As he walked towards the hospital building, as luck may have it, one of those women was stepping out with a dustbin in hand.

Jin Yue thanked his stars and immediately raced towards her.

She recognized him immediately and smiled.

\'\'Sorry to disturb you, but do you know where I can find her? \'\'


The lady asked, a bit lost.

\'\'Xin Yong. \'\'

\'\'Oh, that lady; I don\'t really know but, \'\'

She paused for a while;

\'\'There is someone I think should know. She was the nurse in charge of her, and she was with her most of the time, so I\'m sure she must have heard something of that sort. \'\'

Jin Yue could not explain how happy he felt.

\'\'Thank you, oh God, I\'m so grateful, please where can I meet her? \'\'

\'\'The lady disposed of the waste in the larger trash can and signaled to Jin Yue.

\'\'Follow me. She has been withdrawn and very mute most of the time since she lost her child to cancer; it had been hard on her. I don\'t know if she\'ll be willing to talk to you, but you should at least try.\'\'

The lady said and Jin Yue inhaled deeply, bracing himself for another round of begging.

\'\'Oh there she is, the lady holding a little towel. \'\'

The lady pointed with her head and Jin Yue immediately traced her line of sight. When he sighted the lady, he thanked the nurse profusely before walking towards her.

The woman was looked her mid-twenties, she had her hair up in a bun, her lips were pressed into a thin line and it seemed she was thinking about something. ?Jin Yue walked up to her and greeted but she did not respond, she continued walking and entered into a ward closing the door behind her.

Jin Yue stood staring at the tightly shut door, flabbergasted. The nurse had said that this lady lost her child, Xin Yong lost her child too, was she like this?

Just the thought of Xin Yong in that state sent shivers up his spine.

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