I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 138 136. The Multiple Ways

Chapter 138  136. The Multiple Ways

Seeing their son fall like that both Sandhya and Chhaya were not able to control themselves, the speed they moved fell past the speed of Rishi Dirvasa who also wanted to check on his student.

Both ladies wanted to pick him up and check on him but as they were about to reach to him, a white silhouette popped out from his clothes and created a see-through shield around him

"What is this? Why is this fox not allowing us to get close to our so-Karna?"

Chhaya asked in frustration and anger, Turn out even they, using their powers, aren\'t able to penetrate the shield little fox created around Karna.

What is more humiliating was that the fox sat on Karna\'s chest ready to go back sleeping as she did not have any concern about them.

Her heart was being anxious, So much so that she was even ready to break of the shackles the mortal world put on them to break this shield around Karna, But Sandhya who had little sense in her prevented that from happening.

Though Sandhya too was concerned but she knew that once they revealed their divine form, Everyone including other gods, would be alerted, Which would only spell disaster for Karna.

Especially after sensing the terrible power they felt earlier, There is a high chance others under the pressure of Devraj (King Of Gods) will put all blame on her simple innocent child, for no reason at all.

"Hey, little fox here me out, I don\'t know who you are but you are clearly close to this boy. As you can see he is hurt and needs to be treated, If you do this it will only harm him.

So take this shield off, I will give you special treats for doing that."

Sandhya goes with the gentle approach, She slowly and caringly informs her concern and situation to the fox or even knowing how much she is going to understand it.

But she did whatever she can do, but Karna was still unconscious not moving at all.


Ignore, Fox completely ignores the plea of Sandhya and as she planned stretched her whole time body before warping her nine-tails around her and going back to sleep.

"Huh!?...Here me you little- Let go of me Chhaya, I will destroy this shield on my own."

Well, This set Sandhya off, The persona of being patient was thrown out of the window. She at that moment is ready to use all the power of her mortal restriction allow to break that damn shield.

This time Chhaya had to hold her back knowing that the full blow of her sister will destroy the half-mortal realm even being under the mortal world restriction.

After all she the goddess of Shadow and Queen of darkness was born from her mere shadow, So the power of Sandhya is not to be underestimated.

"Putri (Daughters) Can you both calm down a little? As I can see Karna just passed out from the exhaustion of lack of spiritual power, A simple sleep and plenty of food afterwards will get him back on track.

The fox clearly knew he needed sleep and to prevent you from bothering him, So let him be."

Rishi Durvasa interjected between two of them when he saw that Sandhya was about to do something, Though he is still not able to see through their identity he knows for sure they are not normal humans.

And there is a feeling in the dark that they have some strange connection with Karna, But who knows why everytime he thought about it, He forgets what he was thinking about putting rest on that thought.

Which happen just now, Seeing how concern these two women were for his student, Rishi Durvasa doubted the relationship between them but just as he was about to come anywhere mother, that thought vanished making him look at them and stop from doing something stupid.

Right now Karna, because he has not yet entered in the path of cultivation, doesn\'t have any type of energy other than the little ever being born with to compensate for the use of the power he just had to do to accept the legendary weapon.

Hence why his body just shut down out of nowhere, Normally losing that initial energy born with causes harm to the body and makes the future of cultivation bleak, As that energy is the one which kick starts the growth in cultivation.

The more initial energy the more potential one has, It\'s just that in Karna\'s case, He can feel there is at least 4 types of different energy running in Karna\'s body, One of which the fox sitting on him supplementing in him.

He, like other energies, isn\'t able to identify them and he also doesn\'t want to. Everyone has their own secrets. From which they create their own path, All he could do was to give his student the direction but it was his own journey which Karna had to do alone.

Some chose the path filled with blood, some chose the path of love, Some chose the darkness, some walked on the path of light, There is also a ruthless way And some even great their own path. There is no fixed route for cultivation.

Rishi Durvasa now just curious what path this interesting student will make for himself.

"But-but at least we should put him in a comfortable place, right? He is sleeping on the hard ground, he will surely be uncomfortable."

This time both Devi Sandhya and Chhaya said in sync, They agreed with Rishi Durvasa\'s conclusion for the only reason being he is an intelligent and knowledgeable man who is also Guru of Karna.

But their mothers heart is still not convinced to let Karna sleep on the hard ground. If they are given control they will not let him touch anything harder than clouds fearing to cause him harm.

So seeing him sleep on the ground hurting them a lot and so the resentment and frustration they now have this newly met fox doubling each second Karna was sleeping on the ground.

"Don\'t worry, This is just a ground. It\'s not a big deal, It\'s good to train willpower and restraint on oneself. After all, I don\'t want to give the knowledge of Astra capable of destroying words not used right in the hands of unstable people."

Rishi Durvasa does not think it is a big of a deal that Karna sleeping on the ground, he slept most of his life sleeping on the hard ground and sometimes even on the wild thrones in the forest.

It\'s not that he can\'t find the comfortable place for himself too, If he wanted he can be a guest of any kingdom and they will welcome him with open arms, the only reason he did not train himself.

It is to detach himself from the mortal comfort and search for the ultimate truth, The one every being wanted to search for it.

In his eyes this is best for Karna that be learn to sleep in the hard ground as later one he might also need to sleep on the wild thrones just like him

Unknown to Rishi Durvasa, Karna having the most comfortable place there ever can be because earth herself decreased her hardness to accommodate him. Right now Karna felt like he was sleeping on the cotton made of silk with the warmth of the embrace of mother.

Which is also the reason why he fell asleep so quickly to fall asleep and did not endure it for a while like before with the power supplement he was getting from his earrings.

"But- "

"Both of you, Rishi Durvasa, right, It\'s best for Putra Karna to learn to control his desires."

The two mothers wanted to say something but Surya Deva in disguise of Save stopped them. Those two already talk too much. If they talk about it more, there are chances others will be suspicious of them.

It\'s just that one thing bothering him. From his experience his son always has a 2nd surprise waiting for them to catch them off guard, So he was ready and waiting for that 2nd wave but it still hasn\'t come.

In his heart he also had thought that the terrible power they felt before was somehow related to his this son, He didn\'t know why he Which makes him feel weird, He knows something will happen, he is damn sure of it, it\'s just what it will be making him more nervous.

In his heart he also had thought that the terrible power they felt before was somehow related to his this son, He didn\'t know why he just had that feeling, If not for knowing Karma had yet to learn divine arts yet, He long since accused Karna for his act.

"O\'Great King, There is an Army of Kosala stationed on our borders, They sent a messenger for us."

While other divine beings were talking about Karna there, here the place of mortal normal people, Dhritarashtra heard the news he dread to hear it.

They are here, Now that Kosala taken action others will also do it, Or at least he thinks so but this time knowing that it is Karna who awakened such a strong talent, He decided to risk it and fight for him.

"Go and bring messages with respect in our royal court. We will talk there."

He ordered and without checking on Karna walked toward the royal court leaving Gandhari to take care here and see Karna after those respected guests were done talking amongst them.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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