Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 635: Manafei found excellent employees

   But that was the first thought that popped into his head.

  In order to get close to Neptune smoothly, the Van der Daken family has always adopted intermarriage and changed their blood in this way, so this behavior has been engraved into the bones of Vander Daken IX.

  In his opinion, marrying the other party is the best way to control Neptune. He also has very strange ideas about Manafei. Both of them are men, so there is no way. He is really not interested in men.

  But he can wait until he and Bai Xing have a daughter, and then make Mana Fei his son-in-law. This is his long-term development policy.

  Bai Xing belongs to the royal family and will not leave the Dragon Palace Kingdom. His position is very stable. In order to prevent Manafei from disappearing, he just wants to catch him directly.

  The plan couldn\'t keep up with the changes. He didn\'t know when Mana Fei appeared here, but it seemed that he had heard what he just said.

  After hearing those words, he still had such an innocent tone, which made him want to try to kidnap the other party.

   "Ahem, Your Majesty Manafei, it\'s like this. I have a very grand ideal. Would you like to hear it?"

   As Vander Daken IX stretched out a hand to Manafei, as long as Manafei had contact with him once, he would be able to find Manafei no matter where he went.

   This is the ability of his target fruit, touching the opponent\'s body with the palm can lock it as the target.

  As long as the opponent is targeted, the objects thrown by Vander Daken IX will automatically track the target to the ends of the earth.

  And this throwing is not a physical throwing, as long as he touches the object and makes a throwing action, even things he can\'t lift will be affected by the ability and fly out.

   It is as small as a flying knife and axe, and as big as Noah, unless it is shot down or blocked by obstacles on the way, it will stop tracking.

  Each hand can lock a target. If you wash your hands, the target locked by this hand will be eliminated, and you must touch the opponent again to lock again.

  In order to prevent the wrong target from being locked, Van der Daken IX always wears gloves. He has even made a plan for his left hand to be Manafei and right hand to Bai Xing in this life. The price is that he will not be able to wash his hands in this life.

  At this time, Vander Daken IX took off his gloves, seemingly wanting to show respect, but in fact he wanted to mark Manafei.

  But Mana Fei has no interest in this.

  「So you’re lying to me when you say you found mines here?」

   This time it\'s his problem, it\'s his job, and he\'ll be **** if someone lied to him about it.

   Still had that lovely face, but Manafei\'s tone became much colder.

"catch him!"

  The expression on Vander Daken IX\'s face suddenly became very excited, which was different from what he had planned, but the target was already in front of his eyes, how could he give up. …

  There is no mineral deposit here, he is just fooling the other party, the other party\'s change of tone shows that he is not as easy to fool as a child, if this continues, it will be revealed sooner or later, it is better to do it directly.

  At this time, he ignored the danger in front of him, because it was undoubtedly very unwise to fight Manafei in the deep sea.

  Manafei himself is not a weak chicken with no power to restrain a chicken, and what he is best at is shaking people.

  The reason Vander Daken IX tricked him was that he had discovered a mine, so Manafei brought a group of strong "miners" with him.

  Swamp Monster is a Pokémon that replaces impact drills and power hammers on the seabed. The explosive power of its arms that can easily lift a ton of weight is even more terrifying.

  Seeing that Vander Daken IX is planning to attack their group pets, there is no need for Manafei to say anything, they have already started their own actions.

  Several bog monsters opened their mouths wide, and the mud bombs cut through the water and hit the murloc pirates. Even underwater, they achieved a different kind of firepower suppression.

And after the mud bombs hit the target, they spread out. When a large amount of mud was released, the sea water here became turbid. Even the murlocs couldn\'t see the target in front of them, so they could only wave their hands indiscriminately. in the weapon.

  The giant swamp monsters are different. Those who can live in swamps have already evolved the ability to see things in muddy water. Taking this opportunity, the second echelon of giant swamp monsters has rushed into the crowd.

  The muscles on their arms erupted with strange strength, and every punch was accompanied by screams. The dilapidated Flying Dutchman even had several large holes, and it was on the verge of disintegration.

  Vander Daken IX\'s goal is to automatically lock the enemy, but he has never encountered anyone before, so he naturally lost this ability.

Van der Daken IX\'s physical skills are very poor, and his combat power is not as good as that of ordinary murlocs. Moreover, he is still a person with abilities, and he can move freely only by relying on the bubble membrane on his body surface. will become weak.

  「Meet Mitsu! What are you waiting for! Catch him!」

   "Okay, Captain Vander Daken, look at me! Captain, I can\'t see where he is? Why don\'t you tell me where he is first?"

  Mianjin saw that he was aggressive and wanted to make a move, but soon found that he couldn\'t find where Manafei was. He instinctively asked the parents in his mind as a child.

  「Idiot! Won’t you get rid of the muddy water first!」

  「Oh, as expected of the captain, good idea.」

  Mianjin took a deep breath, inhaled a large amount of clean seawater from the side, he was a puffer fish murloc, his inflated body was like a giant balloon, and then spat it out towards the Flying Dutchman.

  A large amount of seawater washed away the turbid seawater nearby, and also blown away many murlocs. Those were murloc pirates who were brought down by the giant marsh monster.

   "Captain, wait a little longer, I\'ll catch him right away!"

  「Interesting, you two go and get rid of that ugly four-legged one, and I\'ll catch this big guy.」

  Manafei felt that Mianjin was so stupid that it would be a waste of talent for such a stupid big man not to mine, so Manafei decided to add a "Titan" to the mining company.

  A strange sound wave came from Manafei\'s body, and in the sand not far away, a strange fish with lobster claws seemed to have heard the call and swam towards Manafei.

  Although Vander Daken IX is talking nonsense, it is very easy for Manafei to find a sea king in the sea.


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