The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 15 - Nonimportant Blurry Background With A Thick Face

Yman took the wooden sword from his storage.

Seeing this, everyone who was watching at him couldn\'t help letting their laughs break out again.

Now they were certain that this guy was just boasting only.

"Hah, what to expect from someone like him. A no mana person," someone among the crowd sighed in disappointment.

"Haha, for god sake! He was even poorer than I thought," another person followed up.

"Look, he was wielding a stick that could not even be considered as a weapon," another trainee pointed at him.

"Puffft, did he plan on beating the monster through it?!\' Some girl questioned the other trainee. .

"Oh no, where did he leave his brain?! That stick cannot even deal a scratch on that monster," Someone asked sarcastically.

"If he was only wielding a stone sword, I might understand. But a wooden sword? Only kids would wield it for them to play," Among the spectators, one of the instructors was commenting in dismay.

After all, it was just a dummy sword that they used to hit a dummy target at training.

But this person who was asking them if he could attack several monsters at the same time was wielding it against a rank C monster.

Even Goki who was overwatching all the trainees shook his head when seeing it.

Kesha sent a glance to her best friend beside her. She could not understand why Almina said that earlier. It was clear that that person was just boasting.

Then Kesha was thinking that maybe Almina just wanted to see that guy embarrass himself to the crowd.

She giggled, then she sighed in relief.

Perhaps, she was just overthinking herself a while ago, that her best friend would show some interest in that guy. But it looks like she just wanted to make that person embarrassed himself more.

She thought that she could not blame her.

After all, that guy was an unimportant person. He was like a passing extra that would be easily forgotten. Or a blurred background that was non-essential.

Even though many of them ridiculed him, some were silent while looking at him. Deep inside they were expecting that maybe this trainee had really something, like a hidden ace.

This also what Chloe was expecting of Yman. Since he was asking those words from the instructors, maybe he really did have something. Like he truly was a strong person but hidden his real strength.

She was thinking some \'what if\'.

Like, what if...he had high Attributes. And what if...he had an overpowered magic ability...


Yman was unaware of what the others were thinking about him. He was focusing himself on the fight.

Ahead of Yman, he saw the soldier that was holding the monster in a stalemate. And about 20 meters to the right of him, the group of Kiko fighting three monsters at the same time.

Some spectators showed amazement to their way of handling the monsters. Six of them ganged up the three monsters at the same time.

Yman knitted his brows while glancing at them.

They were circling the monsters while reigning attacks. Two of them had a shield magic ability.

Whenever the monsters threw boulders, it was met by a wall that made earth rise from the ground.

The other one was materializing a shield that made wind. Once the boulder touches it, it slows down then drops on the ground because of the loss in velocity.

One of Kiko\'s friends was an earth element user and the other was wind element.

Yman let out a sigh.

<Partner, don\'t get disappointed that you are a weaker person than them.>

A sudden voice from someone who couldn\'t read the mood. It was his deity Sistela.

"...hah, what are you... are you trying to dishearten me?" He questioned her.

<Of course not! I-I\'m just telling you the truth.>

She replied.

Yman wanted to cry for his pitiful life. Even his deity was saying he was weak. Well, he could not blame her since it was indeed true. But he just wanted for her to time properly when she voiced out her statement.


At the back, some instructors also noticed the group of Kiko.

"What a clever idea. And they even have two shield magic ability users," one of them voiced out as they were watching them.

"Indeed, but it was still hard for them to finish those monsters. After all, these monsters are of rank C. And only one of them had higher mana than a normal magician, while the other five were having normal mana capacity," another instructor replied while eyeing Kiko\'s group.

He noticed that some of them were rapidly spending their mana. If this continued for a minute, they would dry out their mana and would become useless in the battle.

"Haha, I guess so..." the former nodded in agreement.

Heyaaaaahhh! Ground Breaker!!! Kiko dashed then shouted the name of his magic ability.

Next second, the ground shook lightly and the monsters were stunned for a moment. That skill of his had a mini bash effect. Which stunning the enemy for 1.5 seconds.

Yman sighed then he glanced around and also noticed that guy who pushed him at the auditorium. Still fighting the monster he was facing.

The guy was wielding a dual dagger. Sometimes he threw them to the monster. After hitting, it bounced back while leaving some scratches on the monster\'s stony body.

But it was not enough. His attack could not penetrate.

Yman noticed that every time the guy\'s attacks landed, a minus of 10-20 points damage on the monster\'s health points. Still better than his.

Around the...

Some trainees are raining magic attacks on the monsters. While the monsters were throwing boulders at the trainees, and sometimes charging at them or using their spike to counter a sneak attack from the back. Many trainees shouted to give up one after another. And some were running towards them to take over and rescue.

However, some managed to kill their target.


Nevertheless, Yman started his move. He ran towards his target and threw a stone on it. The soldier that was holding the monster retreated at the sight of him coming charging.

Yman leaps after arriving at 7 steps away from his target monster to shorten the distance rapidly.

His movement was not so agile, but it was decent for someone like him who was level 1 only. And he was not using his magic skill or ability yet.

The monster noticed him but didn\'t give a care. It was facing the soldier a while ago. But the soldier had already retreated.

An exclamation point appeared above the monster\'s head after it lost its target. But that\'s just Yman\'s imagination. There was really no exclamation to be seen above its head.

Since the monster lost its target, it glances around.

Suddenly, Yman was able to get close to it and swung the wooden sword in his hand. The monster was not able to react fast and took a hit at its body. Which followed by...

-1 And a sound of wood hitting a hard object.

A red text could be seen in Yman\'s vision. Although he exerted much force in that attack, he was only able to deal 1 damage on it.

"Haha, look at that! He only took 1 point on that monster HP!" Laughed by someone among the trainees.

"What?! Even his damage was too low!" Followed by the other.

They assumed that even if he was wielding a wooden sword. He might have decent attack damage. But it looks like, even his Attributes were low.

"Hahaha! How idiotic this person can be!" Some shouted.

Hahaha!!! And everyone broke out into laughter again.

Even the instructors that were expecting something of him shake their heads.

The other trainees were laughing more when they noticed that the monster\'s health points only lost 1 point.

Even Chloe couldn\'t believe it. It looks like she was wrong.

Bob, Mai, and Brai could only leak a lazy smile on their faces.

Almina, on the other hand, was gripping her hands tightly while staring at him without averting her eyes.

Kesha, sighing at the sight of Yman, continued embarrassing himself. She was thinking that this guy was a thick face person.

The monster then treats Yman as the enemy and faces him. But, he already expected it to happen. Nonetheless, he successfully grabbed the monster\'s attention.

\'Now now, how to take some aggro from the other monsters?\' Yman pondered for a moment as he narrowed his eyes. Since he has a lower attack, it was hard for him to accumulate hate from the monsters.

Good thing that the soldier did not attack this monster and just defended himself while stalling it.

Yman knew that even if he was going to strike the monster using his wooden sword the damage would be 1.

He could also throw a stone at them, but still, the damage would be 1 also. In this regard, he could only focus on one.

At his left, there was a forest, and at his right side, a seemingly deep cliff.

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