His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 433 - On The Same Page

"Mm…" Ari shut her eyes as she savored the steak. She had tasted no meat that good.

"This is delicious." She commented as she took another bite.

"The French are quite popular for their delicious meals. Have some of these," Xavier said, passing the casseroles closer to her.

"They taste so good." For a moment, Ari forgot she didn\'t like the person sitting in front of her. And without before long, she was laughing at his mild jokes.

"I\'m sorry for my ill manners earlier today," Ari said as she wiped her mouth after dinner, in case that was the reason he was sending her on so many errands, she wanted to apologize again now he was in a good mood.

"Oh, you\'re forgiven," Xavier said. The truth was, he only called her up to spend time with her, since there was no other excuse he could use to see her.

He already had a copy of the document he asked her to write, but that was the only work he could ask her to do.

"Thank you." Ari smiled.

They talked a few and before long, Ari was laughing and totally forgotten that she did not like him.

To be honest, he was quite fun to be around. He didn\'t make the conversation weird or look at her in any sexual way.

It was a purely platonic discussion, like that between friends.

At the end of the meal, she did not hate him any longer.

They had talked so much that she forgot the time. By the time she remembered it was past 10.

"oh my, it\'s late already. I have to continue this so I can go to sleep."

"Oh, don\'t worry about that. You can go back to your room. I\'ll ask my secretary to finish it before we meet the investors."

Ari was stunned for a second, so he could ask his secretary to do it all this while?

She didn\'t want to make issues out of anything, besides they were on the same page now, so she smiled.

"Thank you, I\'ll be going now. Goodnight."

"You too, and don\'t worry, the meeting is by noon, so you can rest as much as you want."

"That\'s some good news." Ari smiled and turned to the door, but before she got to it, there was a knock on the door.

"Open it."

Xavier said, and she opened the door. On the other side stood a shirtless Zac, or more correctly, a bare-chested Zac, as he was putting on a shirt but it was fully unbuttoned, so Ari could see his torso.

Her eyes glided through his body and rested on his face quickly. First, it was Xavier and now Zac. Why did they all want to go naked?

"Ari?" Zac asked with a look of surprise in his eyes. He was surprised to see her there and even more surprised at the time she was in Xavier\'s room and alone with him.

It took Ari some seconds to realize the situation she was in,

"Zac…" she wanted to explain but stopped herself. She did not owe him an explanation, and explaining herself would mean that there was something else to it. This was just an employer-employee meeting and nothing more.

Ari tried to tell herself but the time was past ten. What meeting was held by that time of the day? 

Zac peeked into the room and when he saw Xavier he chuckled; \'\'I did not know you guys knew each other. \'\' he said and walked into the room.

\'\'yeah, we have a brief history. \'\' Xavier said before Ari could reply. He was glad that Zac saw Ari in his room, and that he suspected there was something going on between them. This was going to make him take his eyes off her.

Ari smiled in reply. She did not know what to say, so she just kept quiet.

Zac knew that the history Xavier had with most women involved sex, so he was surprised that there was something like that between them and Ari didn\'t hint at it.

\'\'That\'s interesting. \'\' He said, although he was a little sad, he did not show it,

\'\'I brought this. Does anyone want to get drunk?\'\' he asked, raising the wine bottle up.

Ari shook her head; \'\'Sorry, I would have to decline, maybe some other time. I am so sleepy right now. See you tomorrow. Goodnight. \'\' Ari said with a faint smile as she turned around and walked away. 

Her smile fell once she was out of the room; she did not like the look in Zac\'s eyes when Xavier said they had history, well it wasn\'t history per se, but she would not stand there and explain to him her one-night stand with his friend. 

He could think whatever he wanted to think. 

Zac turned to Xavier once Ari was out of the room. \'\'Care for some wine? \'\' 

Xavier rolled his eyes but still joined him; 

  \'\'You did not tell me you both had history. \'\' Zac said, still surprised at the recent discovery. Xavier didn\'t even hint at it, neither did she. 

\'\'Well, we were not on totally talking terms, so I let it be. But we just settled our differences now. \'\' Xavier said. 

\'\'I see. So how did you guys meet?\'\' Zac asked; 

The funny thing was that Zac was with Xavier the night he met Ari, but Zac did not see her.

\'\'At a club, \'\' Xavier said.

\'\'Quite interesting. Ari did not seem like one who would frequent the club. \'\'

\'\'Beats me too. But she looked totally different that night, a complete opposite of what she looks like every day coming to work. \'\'

Zac turned to Xavier with a slight frown on his head; \'\'You seem quite interested in her. Are you?\'\' 

He wanted to be sure. Although Xavier wouldn\'t stop him from going after Ari, he didn\'t want to have issues with Xavier because of a woman. Besides, they already knew each other before he got to know her.

\'\'Mm... Yeah, she\'s quite an interesting one, and feisty too. I think I like her. \'\'

\'\'More like an infatuation, this is not the first time you like someone, and it ends after a few bed appointments.\'\'

Xavier chuckled but didn\'t reply. There was silence for a moment.

\'\'Ari is a friend now, so don\'t hurt her. I won\'t forgive you. \'\'

Xavier turned to Zac in surprise; 

\'\'Did you just choose a woman over your best friend? What happened to the bro code?\'\'

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