His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 421 - The Sex With Your Boss

Lu was the only person Ari could confide in at that moment. She was the only one of her friends that knew of her wild escapade. Quickly picking up her purse, she ran out of her house and to her car.

\'\'Lu!\'\' Ari called as she pressed on her doorbell. Lu worked from home. She was a copywriter for some company, so she did not need to go to work, except for urgent matters.

\'\'Ari? Why are you screaming like a mad dog?\'\' Lu asked as she opened the door, and before she could even look at her, Ari had walked past her into the house.

\'\'You won\'t believe what happened! I\'m in the biggest shit on earth right now. I\'m dead, Lu.\'\' Ari exclaimed as she flung her purse on the couch, her hands hugging her head.

Lu laughed; Ari was fond of exaggerating things, so she could not even tell when she was joking or being serious..

\'\'Calm down, nobody is dying anytime soon. Now tell me, what is the problem?\'\' Lu asked as she sat down beside Ari.

Ari took in a deep breath to calm herself. \'\'You know that guy I had a one-night stand with?\'\'

Lu frowned; \'\'Yes, don\'t tell me he is your distant cousin?\'\' Ari was of mixed race, so she did not know most of her distant relatives.

\'\'No, worse than that, he\'s my boss, Lu, my boss!\'\'

Lu laughed; \'\'I don\'t understand, your boss? Like the CEO of Greenfield Corporation?\'\'


Lu\'s eyes widened; \'\'You don\'t say!\'\'

\'\'As though that is not enough, Lu, do you know what I did to him after the sex?\'\'


\'\'I chased him out of my house, without even letting him shower, and even gave him a 100 dollar bill for t-fare.\'\'

Lu burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that Ari glared at her in anger and she quickly controlled herself. \'\'I\'m really sorry about that, but let\'s look on the brighter side, Ari. It\'s not entirely a big deal, one being that you did not know that he was your boss, or rather, going to be your boss. I mean, if you did not apply to Greenfield, you wouldn\'t have met him. But throwing him out of your house… \'\'

Lu paused, but when she saw Ari\'s face become more miserable, she quickly added; \'\'I mean, you did not know who he was. It was not entirely your fault. Nobody would want a stranger in her house for too long, don\'t beat yourself up. I\'m sure he would not hold that against you.\'\' Lu consoled.

\'\'That\'s not all. \'\' Ari said,

\'\'Not all? There is more?\'\' Lu\'s eyes widened.

\'\'He is Melissa Walton\'s boyfriend, and he just sent me a friend request.\'\' Ari was almost crying now. She just wanted to have sex! She did not sign up for this.

\'\'Wait, wait, hold on. Which Melissa? The actress? Like Melissa in \'Don\'t Play with Me?\' \'\'

Ari nodded, and Lu erupted in a fit of laughter.

\'\'Oh, my God; \'\' She held her stomach as she laughed. \'\'This must be a Korean TV show, right? Because what the hell is going on?!\'\'

\'\'Lu, what did I get myself into?!\'\' Ari cried as she hugged Lu around her waist. \'\'what do I do? I did not know it was him. I would never have slept with him if I knew who he was. I can\'t even resign cause I have no other place to go to, \'\'

Both of them grew quiet and buried in their thoughts, each thinking of the best way to get out of this.

\'\'Should I accept his friend request?\'\'

\'\'You have to. He is your boss. You have no reason not to.\'\'

\'\'Right? \'\' Ari said; \'\'But he\'s heartless, you know? Do you know his girlfriend walked in on us, and he was the least bothered. He did not even act as though he just cheated on her with me. I couldn\'t even believe my eyes. \'\'

\'\'Maybe he did not take it to mean anything. You should also not think too much of it too. I mean, it was a one-night thing. Maybe he just wants it to remain that way.\'\'

\'\'Are you sure?\'\' Ari asked; at that point, he needed something to believe in.

\'\'Ye..es, yes, obviously. I mean, it\'s just a coincidence that you applied to his company. You don\'t have to put much meaning into it.\'\'

Ari sighed; \'\'Okay, I just pray that is the case.\'\'

\'\'It is; Lu paused; \'\'So how was it?\'\'

Ari turned to her, a puzzled look on her face; \'\'the what?\'\'

\'\'The sex with your boss.\'\'

Ari shook her head at Lu and Lu burst out laughing; \'\'tell me already?\'\'

Ari breathed out; \'\'Well, I won\'t lie. He was good, a little too good.\'\' Ari explained, her cheeks turning red.

\'\'Oh my, seeing that blush on your chin, I can only imagine!\'\' Lu exclaimed, her ears wide open to hear more; 

\'\'He knows exactly what to do, and where to touch…\'\' Ari realized what she was thinking about and she shook her head; \'\'Lu, please I can\'t think about that right now, I don\'t have the right.\'\' Lu burst out laughing.

\'\'My dear, it has happened already. It won\'t hurt to relish the experience. \'\'

Ari eyed Lu as stood up from the ground where she sat; \'\'you can\'t be serious right now. \'\' she said and stomped off to get herself a cup of water.

Lu laughed; \'\'So while we are at it, let\'s scrutinize our handsome boss.\'\' Lu giggled as she searched up Greenfield\'s CEO on google. His biography appeared and there were a few pictures of him and Melissa.

\'\'Xavier Howells...\'\'  Lu murmured;

He had a good body build, and he had a captivating smile which showed his perfect set of teeth. He wore earrings in most of his pictures, which made him look more handsome, if that was even possible.

\'\'Girl, this man\'s hot! Most women would kill to even kiss him, and you got to sleep with him on a platter! Wait, was this the man you chased out of your house?!\'\' Lu couldn\'t believe her eyes.

Ari kept the glass back after drinking water, then she walked back to where Lu was;

\'\'I already suspected the kind of person he was even without knowing him, and he turned out to be exactly what I had thought. For him to be comfortable cheating on Melissa, he is not someone to even think about.\'\'

Ari said, her voice sounded uninterested in the conversation as she picked up the remote and turned on the television.

\'\'Maybe, but he\'s good-looking, just saying.\'\'

\'\'I know, now let\'s watch some tv.\'\'

\'\'Well, I won\'t be surprised if something sparks between the both of you,\'\' Lu added, but Ari chuckled;

\'\'Impossible bae, utterly impossible.\'\'

Lu smiled; \'\'You can never tell. Because, if this human comes for you, you won\'t be able to resist.\'\'

\'\'That is for someone who is interested. I\'m sure you know me by now. When I say I am not interested, I am really not interested and Lu, come off it. He\'s in a relationship!\'\'

\'\'Oh poor Melissa, men are scum!\'\' 

\'\'Yeah, big time.\'\' Ari replied. Lu\'s words made her remember the scum of a man she dated.

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