His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 367 - Busted!

"Pft, I thought you said you had someone you liked?"

Tiana asked,

"Well, I don\'t know, I\'m indecisive."

Tiana smiled, "Okay, but Stephen Ray is quite a catch, just in case you ar ready to make a choice."

Gwen laughed, "Okay."

The hall was already buzzing when they got in.

Tiana\'s eyes searched for the celebrant, that was her purpose of being here, after greeting him, she might leave.

"Oh there he is!" Gwen exclaimed when she saw him with a group of friends.

Tugging Tiana along, they walked to him,

"Happy birthday Stephen."

Gwen said with a smile, and his smile widened when he saw her,


He walked to her, a glimmer in his eyes and he hugged her,

"thanks for coming."

Gwen smiled and gave him the gift,

"Why wouldn\'t I come."

"Thank you."

"Happy birthday Stephen,"

Tiana said and he turned to her,

"Tiana, it\'s a pleasure to have you here. Thanks for coming. Come on, come have a sit here, let me greet some friends and I\'ll come to you. The waiters are around, order anything you want."

Gwen smiled, "thank you." Holding Tiana\'s hand, she took her to the table.

"Okay, what are we still doing, let\'s get going, I don\'t want anyone to recognize me."

Tiana said as she sat down. Gwen smiled,

"Let\'s just wait a little while. We should see him before he leaves.

You can order anything to Keon yourself busy, what do you want?"

Tiana shook her head, "Nothing."

Gwen\'s eyes stared at her and she smiled, "Okay."

Calling a waiter who was walking by with a tray, she took a glass of wine from him.

Tiana rolled her eyes when she saw her,

"Don\'t drink too much, I do not have any strength to piggy back you."

"Ha-ha, it\'s just one glass it won\'t kill, besides we can\'t just be staring around doing nothing."

"If you say so,"

Tiana took out her phone to check if there were any messages from Nicklaus but there was still none.

Putting back her phone, she drummed her fingers on her bag,

Her eyes locked in a group of models she was familiar with and she sighed,

This was what she was avoiding, putting up a smile she stood up to greet them and as she spoke to them, other models greeted.

Maybe she should have left when she had the chance.

After greeting them, she returned to her seat, Gwen was no longer there. Her eye searched around as she wondered where she went to.

"Is everything set?"

Gwen asked as she walked into the hotel room.

The man in black, who was holding a camera glanced at her,

"Yeah, I\'ve disconnected the cctvs too, so nothing here will be caught on camera,"

Gwen smiled, "That\'s great."

"But we won\'t proceed until I get my balance."

She pursed her lips, taking out her phone, she did a quick transfer.

She spent $70,000 for this, but she didn\'t mind, as long as she got what she wanted.

The man nodded when his phone vibrated in his pocket and when he saw the notification he smiled,

"Good, now go get the woman so we can get started."

Gwen smiled and walked out of the room and back to the hall.

"Where have you been? Was searching all over for you." Tiana asked with a look of worry.

"Oh, I went to use the restroom."

"Okay, we should greet Stephen and get going."

"Ah, Tiana why are you in a hurry? You\'re making me feel so guilty for making you come with me, as though I made you come against your will."

Gwen looked at her with a guilty expression and Tiana shook her head,

"Oh, that\'s not it. Don\'t mind me, I\'m sorry if I made you feel that way, it\'s just that I\'m feeling a little tensed since Nicklaus haven\'t answered my messages since today, that\'s all." Although she actually didn\'t want to be there, she didn\'t want to let her know.

Gwen smiled,

"Okay, let me tell Stephen that we are leaving, okay?"

Tiana nodded, "thank you."

Gwen\'s eyes turned forward and when she saw the familiar waiter, she waved at him.

"In the meantime, keep yourself busy with this, it\'s just juice, it won\'t make you drunk."

She took a glass of juice which was a different color from the others and placed it in front of Tiana.

"I told you I didn\'t want to drink."

Gwen laughed and stood up,

"This doesn\'t count as drinking, give me a minute."

She said walking away. Tiana\'s eyes followed her until she disappeared in the crowd and she sighed.

She hated parties. Mostly ones without him.

She checked her phone again and there was still no message.

Sighing, her eyes fell on the drink in front of her and she picked it up and twirled it in her hand.

Gwen stood afar off as she watched Tiana.

Drink it already…

She screamed in her heart, biting her finger. Tiana was just staring at the drink but not even bringing it neat her lips.

Gwen was getting frustrated, what if she didn\'t drink it?

She didn\'t want to think about that. She was sure Tiana would take a sip when she didn\'t see her after a long while, she just had to wait a while more.

After about five minutes, Gwen\'s eyes widened in excitement as she saw her bring the drink to her lips.

Drink… just take a sip…

She watched her fixatedly as she brought the glass to her lips and drank from it.

She smiled and walked towards her but her feet stopped when she saw someone.

All color drained from her face.

What was he doing here?

Gwen\'s heart pounded as her eyes fell on Nicklaus.

Didn\'t she say he was coming back in two days? How was he here now.

Gwen turned around and rushed to the bathroom,

She locked the door and walked to the mirror, staring at her reflection, she tried to breathe.

How did her plan get crushed in an instant?

She was so close… so damn close.

Gwen breathed out as she turned on the tap and began to wash her hands. Speedily. That was the only way she could get her mind off the tumult in her head.

It was a sleep inducing tablet, just ten minutes more and she would have passed out…

Gwen gritted her teeth, her Jaws clenching.

What would she do now?

Turning off the tap, she touched her hair with her wet hands, arranging the loose strands.

Her phone rang in her hand and she bit her lower lip when she saw the caller, swiping she answered,

"Plan aborted."

And without waiting for his response, she ended the call.

Exhaling, she smiled and turned around, walking out of the bathroom.

Her mind was far away as she walked back to the hall, and she didn\'t notice Stephen in front of her.

"Gwen, Gwen…"

He called her a few times and when she didn\'t answer, he held her hand.

"Leave me the fuck alone!"

Gwen, without knowing and coupled with the anger bubbling inside of her, she flung his hand away.

She only realized what happened when the few people around turned to them.

Her hands flew over her mouth,

"God… Stephen I\'m so sorry…"

She tried to apologize but he turned and walked away.

Gwen panted, she had never been so mad about herself in her entire life.

She just wished the ground would open and swallow her.

Walking forward, her heart squeezed when she saw the two lovebirds.

Nicklaus had her in his arms as he stared at her face, she forced a smile to her lips as she walked to them,

"Gwen, you\'re finally here, I\'ve been searching around for you."

Tiana smiled still in her husband\'s arms.

"Oh… I went to the bathroom, sorry that I kept you waiting. Nicklaus… didn\'t know you were coming back today."

Nicklaus smiled,

"My meeting was canceled and so I thought of surprising my wife."

His eyes turned to Tiana and she slapped his chest jokingly.

"You got me very worried. Do you know how many times I checked my phone for your call? Don\'t do that again."

"Okay, so you\'re saying you don\'t miss me, I should go back?"

Tiana glared at him,

"you know that\'s not what I mean." she smiled.

"Okay, let\'s go home already, Gwen have you told Stephen we\'re leaving?"

"Oh… I didn\'t. You guys can leave without me, I got him annoyed, I need to see him and I don\'t know how much time it would take."

"Are you sure you can come on your own?"

Tiana asked, concerned. She didn\'t want Gwen coming back late and alone.

"Haha, don\'t worry about me, I\'m not a baby, see you at home."

She smiled and walked towards the direction she saw Stephen leave.

Tiana held Nicklaus hands as they walked out of the hotel, as they got into the car, she pounced on him and kissed him.

"I missed you…" she panted, pulling his clothes off.

Nicklaus pulled her on top of him, such that she straddled him, his hands going under her gown to shift her panties aside.

Tiana devoured his lips, kissing every inch of his face, suddenly she started feeling weak.

She applied pressure, trying to kiss him more, but her strength failed her and she passed out on top of him.

Nicklaus frowned when he felt her drop weakly on his shoulders,

"Beautiful? Hey, are you sleeping? "

He raised her up but he was met with shut eyes and a flushed face.

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