His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 300 - I'll Wait For You

\'\'What are we going to do? \'\' she asked, her eyes deep with emotions. Leo was quiet, not saying a word. It scared her.

\'\'Please say something… Anything, please! \'\' She pleaded as she fisted his shirt in her hands. Her eyes watered and she buried her face in his chest, her lips trembling.

Leo\'s head fell and he held her head up to look at him; his eyes drowned in her crystal ones and the pain in them broke him.

His Adam\'s apple bobbed as he swallowed;

\'\'I thought about it over and over and no matter how I want to look at it, the answer was still the same.\'\' He paused, pushing the strands of her hair away from her face;

\'\'I wanted to tell you that it would be fine, I wanted to say that it would be okay to leave you, I wanted to tell you that it would be fine being with another person, that I would get over it, but I couldn\'t because it\'s actually not fine.

I know I\'m selfish, but I don\'t want to see you with another man, the thought of you being with another man, breaks me in a thousand pieces, so it\'s not fine. I know what I\'m going to say now may sound very foolish, but Claire, I love you and no matter what it takes, or how long it\'s going to take, I\'m going to be here with you. I don\'t know how much longer I have, but I want my last days to be spent with you. \'\'

Claire stared at him in shock, at first she thought he was joking but then she really saw that he was serious.

\'\'you are crazy. \'\' She said, the tears in her eyes rolling down with great speed.

\'\'What about me? How do you want me to live without you! How can you say that! How can you say you want to die! \'\' She cried as she angrily slapped his chest, her face swollen with anger. He didn\'t even think about how she was going to survive without him. How she was going to live each day knowing that she would never see him again.

\'\'you\'re so selfish! You\'re so selfish! \'\' she cried painfully. Leo pulled her close and hugged her tightly;

\'\'What are we going to do? \'\' he said with a heavy heart.

Claire hiccupped against his chest as she thought silently;

\'\'Give me six months, I promise I\'ll come back to you. Only six months, I promise. \'\'

She stared at him, placing her hands over his hands on her face;

\'\'Claire… \'\'

\'\'don\'t be with anyone for six months, I promise I\'ll resolve this before the six months is over. \'\'

Leo sighed; \'\'Claire, I can\'t even be with any other person even if I want to. \'\' he paused;

\'\'I\'ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes, I\'ll wait for you. \'\'

Claire smiled and then she tiptoed and kissed him. Pulling him close, she deepened the kiss. Leo held her face as he tilted to the side and kissed her back with so much want. Light pants left their lips as Leo lifted her up and her legs went around him reflexively.

She was so buried in the kiss that she didn\'t realize they had reached the bedroom. A sigh left her lips as Leo placed her on the bed gently.

Claire gazed into his eyes and caressed his face; \'\'I love you. \'\'

She said, her words were heavy and carried so much passion. Leo gulped;

\'\'I love you too; \'\' As soon as he said that, she kissed him again. This time it was slow, as though she was telling him with a kiss, how much she loved him.

Her hands fondled his shirt and she pulled it over his head, placing kisses slowly down his body.

Leo undressed her slowly as his lips relished every inch of her skin. He loved this woman dearly, he didn\'t know how he was going to survive without her, damn, it was going to be hard.

Her fingers dug into his back as he entered her slowly, her lips let out small pants as he moved but he swallowed them with his kisses. Claire felt her tears drop from the sides of her face, knowing that this was the last time she was going to see him in a really long time.

They couldn\'t sleep. Leo held her in his arms as he listened to her heartbeat. She was wide awake, praying that morning wouldn\'t come, so she would not have to leave.

A few hours later, Leo\'s alarm rang by his side; he stretched his hand and tapped it off. He turned back to hold Claire but his hands froze when he saw that there was no-one there, all the leftover sleep in his eyes vanished instantly and he jumped out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom, throwing the door open, but she was not there.

Leo panted as he ran to the kitchen and every room in the house, but she was not there.

Heavy pants left his lips as he brushed this hand through his hair, his face as pale as snow. He thought he was at least going to see her that morning, but it seems she already left before he woke up.

Leo walked slowly to a nearby couch and sat down; he knew it was going to hurt, but he didn\'t know how deep it would be until now.

Claire stared outside the window as they drove to the airport, she shut her own thoughts off, not wanting to think about anything because she knew once she tried to think, she was going to be a crying mess.

\'\'Ma\'am, we\'re here. \'\' the chauffeur said and she blinked, and stepped down from the car. He carried her bag as she walked towards the airport.

Throughout the flight, she didn\'t say a word, nor talk to anyone. 

She missed him. She wasn\'t sure if that was the best decision but she didn\'t want to see him that morning unless she might actually want to stay.

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