His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 278 - Holy Poison

She walked to where he sat and sat down beside him;

\'\'Darling, why do you look so troubled? you don\'t have to worry too much, okay? This is a mere misunderstanding; it would clear up very soon. The worst that would happen is that you would lose the Howells Corporation but you will still have yours, and besides, do you think that slow-witted woman could think of anything as intelligent as to record your conversation, you burden yourself too much. Wait here; let me get you tea to calm your nerves. \'\'

She said, kissing his chin sweetly she walked out of the room. She had bought the poison earlier and hid it under a tall flower vase that was rarely moved in the hallway; she made sure no-one saw when she took it out and walked to the kitchen. It wasn\'t going to starting working till about ten minutes after consumption, so she had enough time to tell him everything she wanted him to hear before he met his father the devil.

The cook was not in the kitchen when she walked in, so she quickly prepared the tea and sprinkled the poison on it. Mixing it perfectly, she placed it on a tray and hurriedly carried it to the room.

She feared that he might have left and she heaved a sigh of relief when she saw him.

Placing the tray on the stool beside him, she handed him the cup of tea.

\'\'Here, take this, it would help calm you down. \'\'

Douglas turned to her, taking the cup, he placed it back on the tray,

\'\'thank you \'\' he said and continued flipping through the pages of the magazine. Michelle bit her lower lip tightly when she saw him keep back the cup; what if he didn\'t drink it and something came up and he needed to leave?

Her heart stammered as she watched the vapor rise from the cup, damn it, maybe she should have gotten an injection and injected him while he slept, now it was too late, if he didn\'t drink this, she might not have another chance.

Michelle became restless as the clock ticked, she was tempted to remind him about it, but she stopped herself, if she was too pushy, he might suspect there was something inside of it.

Just when she had almost lost hope, Douglas picked up the tea and brought it close to his lips; her eyes widened as her gaze traced his movement, her heart plummeting as she gripped her dress, waiting for even just a drop to touch his tongue, the poison was very effective, even a drop could do the magic.

His lips finally opened and she watched the liquid seep into his mouth. A relief sigh left her lips as she fell back on the couch. He took a few more gulps before he placed the cup down on the tray.

A smile tugged on her lips as she watched the wall clock in front of them tick; after about five minutes, she turned to Douglas.

\'\'Husband, have you ever wondered why I married you? \'\'

Douglas glanced to her weirdly, why was she asking such a question all of a sudden?

\'\'No? \'\'

\'\'To please my parents; \'\' She answered, and he turned back to the magazine as though he wasn\'t surprised.

Michelle chuckled; \'\' you are not surprised, right? Well I didn\'t tell you but that was the worst mistake I ever made in my entire life, and I regret, I so much regret the day I agreed to marry you. \'\'

Now Douglas was annoyed; \'\'is something wrong with you? \'\' he asked, this was the first time since they got married that she talked back at him, he had an intimidating aura that even when she was wronged she would only cry, he wondered what made her so brave now.

\'\'Shut up, I\'m not done talking. \'\' Douglas\'s lips fell open at her words, was he dreaming or something?

\'\'I should shut up? \'\' He couldn\'t believe his ears;

\'\'right, shut up;\'\'

He was already mad about what was happening and she was there looking for trouble where there was none; maybe he should slap her and bring her back to her senses.

Douglas lifted his hand to slap her but strangely, his hands hung in the air, he tried to move it but it could not; a light chuckle left Michelle\'s lips and she helped him bring down his hand;

\'\'Yeah, that\'s right, I just poisoned you; \'\'

Douglas\'s eyes widened with shock and he opened his mouth to scream at her but no words could leave his lips;

\'\'Ah, don\'t bother trying, you can\'t talk too; \'\' she laughed standing up from the couch, Douglas could only move his eyeballs, every other part of him was paralyzed.

\'\'Very soon, your insides will start burning, you\'ll boil from inside out and yet you can\'t even scream, you\'ll die slowly but gruesomely, yes, I got the most gruesome poison you can ever imagine, I wanted to give you the most painful death because you don\'t deserve anything less. \'\'

\'\'Tsk what a shame! A whole you, the wicked devilish Douglas, about to die like a puppet; \'\' Michelle laughed hysterically and walked to the door to make sure it was locked.

Walking back to him; \'\'I don\'t have much time, dear husband, in less than five minutes, you would be dead, and there are so many things I want you to hear; \'\'

She smiled, seeing him like this was refreshing; he was finally the weaker one, and she was the stronger.

\'\'You abused me, physically, emotionally, mentally, you cheated on me, and as if that was not all, you raped my sister! My own sister, how dare you?! \'\'

All the anger that she had been suppressing rushed like adrenaline through her bones, and she felt bile in her mouth. She saw surprise flash through his eyes and she knew he was wondering how she knew;

\'\'I\'ve known for a while, you don\'t know how hard it is for me to pretend everything was fine, you don\'t know how hard it was for me to sleep on the same bed with you, letting your body touch mine, when all I wanted to do is tear you apart. I hate you, Douglas, I\'ve always hated you. \'\'

She smiled and walked to him, squatting in front of him; \'\'Ah, I didn\'t tell you, I\'ve been cheating on you with your sister\'s husband. \'\'

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