His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 237 - Grandma's Visit

Tiana laughed when his face came to view; she knew he called because of the picture she posted.

\'\'When did you take that? \'\' Nicklaus smirked;

\'\'While you were sleeping and hugging me like I was going to disappear the next minute. \'\' she grinned at him. \'\' do you not like it? should I delete it?\'\'

\'\'No! no, I love it, don\'t delete it, it\'s cute. \'\' he smiled,

\'\'So what are you up to? \'\'

\'\'Just finished with a meeting, about going in for another.\'\'

\'\'Oh, so sorry, you have a lot of work to do today. \'\' Tiana pouted sadly; it\'s been very stressful for him since they came back from their honeymoon.

\'\'yeah, I think I\'ll be back late today, don\'t wait up for me, okay? \'\'

\'\'Hmm, you know it\'s not possible but do not worry, take your time, don\'t stress yourself out too much. \'\'

\'\'Alright, talk to you later. \'\'

\'\'yeah \'\' 

Tiana flung the phone to the other side of the bed and shut her eyes, a tired sigh leaving her lips. Finally, she was done with calls; she would sleep a little before having lunch. But before she could even call sleep, she heard a light knock on the door. She tried to ignore but the knock came again and she dragged herself from the bed, going to open the door;

\'\'Bella, \'\' Tiana smiled when she saw Bella standing on the other side of the door.

\'\'It\'s been long; I\'ve not really seen you around. \'\'

\'\'Yeah, my mom was very sick took a leave to go look after her. \'\'

\'\'Oh, so sorry \'\'

\'\'I\'m happy for you, seems things have changed a lot for you, \'\'

Tiana smiled; \'\'yeah you can say that. \'\'

\'\'Mm, that\'s great. Um, Mr. Nicklaus\'s grandmother is waiting for you in the living room. \'\'

Tiana\'s eyes widened; \'\'oh, okay, I\'ll be there in a minute. \'\'

\'\'Alright,\'\' Bella nodded and walked away. Tiana shut the door, her eyes wide open. Why was grandma here? Was it because of the news? Was she in support or against it? 

Tiana wondered. His grandma was very nice to her, but she was must have supported her husband right? Tiana wondered as she wore something good and hurried downstairs.

Her steps faltered when she saw Grandma. She was eating from a plate of fruits and when she saw her she smiled sweetly;

\'\'Tiana darling, come, come over here. \'\' She called standing and opening her arms for a hug. Tiana was surprised but she walked to her and let her embrace her.

\'\'No-one told me about the marriage, and where is that arrogant grandson of mine!\'\' Grandma faked annoyance as she looked behind Tiana.

\'\'He\'s at work. \'\' Tiana smiled, alright, it\'s settled, Grandma was in support of them.

\'Alright, I\'m so happy to hear the news! But family should have been informed first, it isn\'t good to hear this first on the TV, we were so shocked. \'\'

Grandma smiled, bringing Tiana to sit beside her.

 \'\'We\'re so sorry, we\'re still planning on visiting home, I\'m sorry we didn\'t do it sooner. \'\' Tiana apologized as Grandma held her hand.

\'\' don\'t worry, I\'m no longer angry now I\'ve seen you. \'\' She beamed, and her eyes fell on Tiana\'s tummy;

\'\'So how are you? I hope you are eating properly? \'\'

Tiana\'s cheeks flushed when she realized what Grandma meant;

\'\'Oh, haha, we\'re not trying for a baby now, it\'ll be after the wedding. \'\'

\'\'Oh, the wedding, when is it? \'\'

Tiana scratched her head; \'\'I don\'t know for now, but we\'ll inform you of the date as soon as we fix it. \'\'

\'\'Hmm, it\'s still far then, you should eat properly and get your body fit in case a baby comes before then, see your cheeks you\'re so thin! \'\'

Grandma pinched Tiana\'s chin. \'\'Tsk tsk, Nicklaus isn\'t feeding you properly, does he even know what it means to have a baby? \'\'

Grandma\'s brows creased with worry and as though she thought of something, she took out her phone and dialed someone;

\'\'Grandma, haha, don\'t worry yourself, we\'re not going to have a baby now. \'\'

Tiana tried to reason with grandma but it was too late since she was already speaking with someone on the phone;

\'\'... send me a balanced nutritional diet list for a woman wanting to have a baby… alright, thanks. \'\'

\'\'There, I\'ll make sure you eat properly from now on, I don\'t want my great-grandchild to be skinny. \'\'

Tiana heaved a sigh when she saw that persuading grandma was just pouring water on stone, so she let her have her way.

"\' Oh right, he has sent it. \'\' Grandma beamed as she clicked on the list and scrolled,

\'\'Yeah, where is the chef? \'\' she called, and a worker passing by went in to call the chef. In a few minutes, the chef walked to them;

\'\'yeah, I want you to make all these items available and make sure she\'s well-fed with them, get a pen and paper. \'\'

Tiana slumped back on the couch as she watched Grandma call the items out excitedly. For a moment, it made her remember her mom. She tried to picture the excitement on her face seeing her married and praying that she would have a baby soon.

The joy she was feeling now, would have been more. But then, no matter how much she imagined it, it would never be a reality. Tiana blinked forcing herself out of those thoughts;

\'\'We\'ll start with a plate of fruit salad; get her a plate of fruits salad, she needs to be nourished; \'\'

\'\'yes ma\'am. \'\' the chef nodded and walked away, Tiana rolled her eyes, this was going to be a really long day.

By the time Nicklaus came back home, Grandma was gone. She had waited for him, but Tiana told her that he would be home late and they would come to see her soon, so she left. 

Tiana was sprawled out on the bed when Nicklaus walked in.

\'\'Beautiful, I\'m home. \'\' He said, taking off his socks; his eyes fell on her body sprawled out on the bed and he chuckled;

\'\'what\'s wrong? \'\'

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