His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 114 - Do You Want To Kill Him?

Tiana\'s eyes fell to the knife in his hands and she froze, all blood draining from her face. She blinked and raised her gaze to the man bound to the chair and she recognized him immediately;

Mr. Park!

She couldn\'t even forget his name. As her eyes gazed at him, her heart squeezed with contempt.

One thing she hated was men who didn\'t value women. But how was he here?

Her brows creased as she looked back at Nicklaus, her eyes questioning;

Nicklaus feared what she would think; he didn\'t even know that the door was left open!

\'\'beautiful, it\'s not what you think… \'\'

He took a few steps towards her and stopped just when he was in front of her;

How would he explain that he was pointing a knife at a bound man but was not intending to kill him?

This could have just been prevented if those guards locked the doors!!

Tiana opened her lips to speak, but before she could say a word, the man bound to the chair screamed;

\'\'Milady, I\'m very sorry! I\'m sorry for everything, for even looking at you!! Please!! I deserve to die but please forgive me! I promise never to do such to anyone again!! I beg you! Have mercy!! \'\'

Tiana\'s brows creased;

Okay, what the hell is going on?

Her gaze shifted between the man who looked like a wet rat and Nicklaus who had a confused panicky expression on his face as he stared at her, not even bothering with what the man was saying;

Mr. Park thought quickly; if Nicklaus had taken his time to pull him into the states for this woman, she must be very special to him. And if he could get her to forgive him, he might go free. This was his last straw, and he needed to pull it right.

\'\'I beg you Milady!! I\'m very sorry!! I\'m very sorry…\'\' He was weeping like a child, his significant potbelly vibrating tremendously;

Nicklaus cast a glare at the guards and they quickly shoved a rag up into his mouth, stifling his screams.

Tiana swallowed hard;

How many people had he done this to?

She remembered when he had made her kneel in front of him. She was almost in the same state like this man, except that she did nothing wrong. She knew the feeling. Although he had caused her to feel disgusted that day in London, she knew what it felt to beg for one\'s life.

Tiana drew in a sharp breath and turned to Nicklaus; she had forgiven him now, they were on a new chapter. She shouldn\'t dig up old dirt.

Forcing a smile, she stretched her hand to him and held him;

\'\'Let\'s go out for a moment. \'\' With that, she turned around, taking him with her.

Nicklaus didn\'t even know what to say. He hated that she had seen this, he hated that she had seen this wicked part of him. 

\'\'How… how did you know I was here? \'\'

He asked, a little stammer in his words;

\'\'I asked after you and I was told you were here. \'\'

She answered calmly, not even bothered that there was still a knife in his palm;

Nicklaus was speechless, how would he tell her he was so mad at the fact that that man was gazing at her lustfully and he had wooed him with a business deal just to get a revenge on him; that was crazy!

\'\'Do… do you want to kill him? \'\'

Tiana asked anxiously, although she knew it was possible, she didn\'t want to believe that he could kill someone so easily without batting an eyelid.

\'\'No! \'\'

Nicklaus replied instantly;

\'\'So… what are you doing with a knife? \'\'

Tiana asked, her eyes widening; Nicklaus swallowed;

He couldn\'t tell her he was about chopping off his tongue.

\'\'I… \'\' Nicklaus stammered;

What would she think of him? He didn\'t want to lie to her, but yet the truth was too hard to say!

Tiana\'s heart was slamming against her chest as she watched him; she saw the reluctance in his eyes and she knew she wouldn\'t want to know the answer to that question;

\'\'It is okay, I don\'t want to hear it. \'\'

If he couldn\'t say it, then he shouldn\'t say it at all.

\'\'Beautiful… \'\'

\'\'don\'t harm him… you could force him to close that deal with you, but just let him go… I don\'t think I can sleep if you do, okay… \'\'

She said and closed the gap between them, hugging him close.

Her head was in a mess. Did he really want to kill him?

She didn\'t want to think about it.

Tiana shut her eyes, and she took in a sharp breath;

She would give him time; he was like this before he met her, but he had been changing a lot, he was no longer frosty all the time and he was smiling a lot now. He wouldn\'t automatically transform in a day, right?

Nicklaus head fell. He couldn\'t even raise his hand to hug her back; he felt so dirty. All the anger washed away and he couldn\'t even think straight.

\'\'beautiful… \'\'

He had always had anger issues and because of what happened years ago, he could not get over the thirst of vengeance and now he was at the risk of losing the trust of someone he loved most.

Tiana cut him off quickly;

\'\'Ah, I don\'t want you to stink of blood, and that man\'s blood must be very filthy! Let\'s just get the deal and let him go, okay? \'\'

Her voice was shaky, as though she was afraid that he would refuse; Nicklaus hadn\'t felt that terrible before in his entire life!.

His hands tightened on his sides and his throat clenched;

\'\'okay, I won\'t hurt him. I promise. \'\'

Tiana nodded against his chest before she let him go;

\'\'I\'m waiting for you in the room, okay? \'\'

She said with a sweet smile and Nicklaus nodded. Tiptoeing, she pecked him on the lips before walking towards the house.

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