His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 48 - Under The Innocent Face

When she got downstairs, a few guards were already waiting beside the car outside the house.

\'\'The Boss says you should take me home. \'\'

She said when she approached, and the lead guard stared her up to down as though in unbelief. She remembered him; he was the guard that had thrown her over his shoulders the day she was with Adrian. He was also the guard that dragged her to the dark room and locked her up. She hated him to her very bones. Well, she was not surprised; he was the same as his master.

The guard watched her for a moment, as though he was not convinced by what she said. He took out his phone and called Nicklaus to confirm. Tiana folded her hands as she watched him; wondering whether he was stupid, or he just lacked reasoning. How would she just walk up to them and ask them to drive her home without Nicklaus\' command?

She watched him speak a few words on the phone and then turned to her;

\'\'Get in. \'\'

He said and walked to the front passenger\'s seat and sat down. Tiana rolled her eyes and entered the car, a guard entered after her, and then the last one drove the car.

It was about thirty-five minute drive to Atwater; when they arrived, it was already past eleven.

The guard came out of the car and let her step out; she rushed to the house and knocked on the door lightly; she knocked for a while but no-one opened the door.

Gwen must be fast asleep. She mumbled in her head, and she knocked harder on the door.

After a while; she heard Gwen from the other side;

\'\'Who is it?\'\' She asked; her voice anxious. It was so late in the night; she was not used to receiving visitors so late.

\'\'it\'s me, Tiana.\'\'

\'\'Tiana? Why are you here so late? \'\' she asked again wonderingly, the door still locked;

\'\'Can you open the door, we\'ll talk inside. \'\'

Tiana said, and after a few seconds; the door creaked open. Gwen peeked out of the door, a shocked expression on her face; when she saw that it was Tiana, she opened the door wider.

\'\'Tiana, what happened? Why are you here by this time? Did Nicklaus let you go?\'\'

Gwen asked as she walked inside, before she locked the door, she glanced outside and she saw a bunch of guards standing there,

\'\'No, not really, it\'s a long story, but the conclusion is that I\'m going to London tomorrow.\'\'

Tiana said, and she rushed into her room to get her passport. Gwen\'s eyes widened in shock and unbelief; and she quickly followed Tiana into her room.

\'\'What are you saying? How are you going to London? Why are you going to London? \'\'

Her brows creased with surprise as she inquired. Tiana was still rummaging through her drawers for her passport, but she turned to her sister briefly;

\'\'I told you Nicklaus made me his pa, right? \'\'

She asked and Gwen nodded; \'\'Yes. \'\' she continued;

\'\'So, Nicklaus is going to London for an important event, I don\'t know, but it\'s work related and he says I should come along, so I came to get my passport. \'\'

She explained and continued opening the drawers. Gwen felt shivers run down her spine; she was confused;

Wasn\'t she meant to be punished or something? First, it was a job with over 20,000 dollars pay! Now she was going to London?

Gwen grew silent as she folded her hands, her nails digging into her skin. She watched Tiana rummage through her stuff, but she could not utter another word. She felt waves of bile course through her; her eyes filled with jealousy.

\'\'oh, here it is. \'\' Tiana exclaimed excitedly, and she stood up, turning around to Gwen.

\'\'I\'m sorry for disturbing you this late. \'\' She apologized with a sisterly smile. Gwen\'s expression changed instantly and there was a warm smile on her face now;

\'\'Tiana, you don\'t have to apologize, this is your home too. You can come home whenever you want \'\' Gwen replied with a beautiful smile on her face. \'\'But why is he taking you to London with him? I thought he doesn\'t like the company of women?\'\'

Gwen asked, creasing her brows. Tiana scratched her head as she thought;

\'\'I don\'t know… \'\' She replied, looking puzzled; \'\'Nicklaus is so full of mysteries, it\'s too complicated.\'\'

She replied, rolling her eyes.

Gwen watched her intently; her throat tightening;

Tiana didn\'t look like she was suffering one bit. Her skin was prettier and the clothes she wore were branded and they looked very costly; and with her ever radiating beauty; she looked like the women of the high class.

Am I stupid to have switched places with her?

Gwen wondered in her head;

Remembering her daily work from 8am to 5pm and seeing how lavish Tiana looked, she wished she had not given up the opportunity to be Nicklaus\' mistress.

\'\'Thank you, Gwen. I\'ll be going now, I\'ll gist you when I come back.\'\' Tiana exclaimed and Gwen forced a smile as she walked her out the door;

\'\'Bye, have a wonderful trip!\'\' She screamed and Tiana waved her bye before entering the car and they drove off.

Gwen stood by the door watching the car disappear in the distance; her eyes filled with envy.

Her sister was stunning and looked like a model; but her, Gwen was beautiful and had a very innocent look. From the outside, Tiana looked smarter than her, but she was way smarter and crafty, but it was concealed by her innocent looks.

Ever since childhood, she had played on her sister\'s innocence and kind heart. When they were bought things, she would take the better one and pretend to be sad, knowing that Tiana would always leave the best for her because she never liked to see her cry.

After high school, Tiana let her go to the makeup academy and she stayed home since their father couldn\'t pay for them both. She knew this, which was why she was confident that if she cried, Tiana would take her place to be his mistress that day.

But she didn\'t know that the tables would turn this time, and now she had missed out on such a wonderful opportunity.

What was she going to do?

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