Mist (Web Novel CN)

Chapter 39: 39

When Ji Yushi woke up, a few days had passed.

It was noon. Sunlight poured into the ward through the window, leaving a golden glow across the marble floor and white walls.

The sky outside was blue and cloudless. It was just a typical fine day.

How long had it been since he last saw such a sky?

Ji Yushi thought this, but for a moment he couldn’t calculate it.

The air-conditioning in the ward was sufficient. Ji Yushi even had a thin blanket covering him. A needle was inserted into the back of his right hand and fluid slowly entered his veins.

The sequelae of the transition this time was too strong, causing Ji Yushi to be left in a state of shock for a while. Fortunately, his body had undergone many transitions before, and it was able to recover following the administration of first aid. Ji Yushi however found that he was so tired, he didn’t even want to lift a single finger while he laid in the soft bed.

[1456.06.15 14:51:40]

Ji Yushi recalled the time coordinates he saw when he returned.

They had set off on Star Era May 17th, 1456. He didn’t expect that a month would have passed since their departure. During that month where all contact was lost, it was likely very difficult for the people in Jiang City as well as his family.

The nurse came to check on him and also brought along some food.

Congee that was cooled to the right temperature and refreshing and delicious side dishes. All of them made Ji Yushi’s index finger move. Except for the meal he had an impression of at the ‘transfer station’, he hadn’t had hot food in a long time. What’s more, that meal also was just an illusion.

His empty stomach was gently soothed by the warm congee and his numb tastebuds were reawakened by the side dishes.

With the sunlight and the blue sky outside the window, Ji Yushi slowly ate and then relaxed completely.

“Knock, knock.”

There was a knock on the door.

Ji Yushi said, “Come in.”

The door opened a crack. The person who stuck his head in was Li Chun, “Advisor Ji! You’re awake!”

Li Chun had already returned to his energetic self. Without the black combat uniform, he looked even younger. He sat on the chair next to the bed without any hesitation, “I guessed that you would wake up around this time. When I asked the nurse just now, sure enough!”

Ji Yushi, “Everyone is okay?”

Li Chun, “They’re fine! We all woke up a little earlier than you, but it’s also not much earlier!”

Li Chun was in the ward next door. He told Ji Yushi that everyone was suffering from varying degrees of sequelae and were all sent to the Tianqiong Medical Centre.

In addition to the two of them, the other teammates were also staying on this floor, but the nurses didn’t allow them to visit at the same time.

Li Chun sighed, “Doesn’t seem real!”

He stretched out his arm and showed Ji Yushi his bruised arm, “When I first woke up, I pinched myself hard a few times before I could believe that everything wasn’t just an illusion. Fucking felt like a nightmare.”

Ji Yushi wanted to say that if it really were an illusion, the pain and the injuries would naturally also be included in that, but he held himself back.

In fact, Ji Yushi also couldn’t believe that they could return so easily. Everything however was within reason.

Through his observations, the so-called ‘Tianqiong self-awareness’ shouldn’t have the ability to make the illusions so realistic and humane. Most importantly, the Tianqiong and command centre belonging to their era was in fact far more powerful than they realised. It was only a matter of time for them to be able to find them and successfully intercept their next transition.

If it was any later, even Ji Yushi would think that the command centre was incompetent.

“What Ouroboros, what Chaos.” Li Chun said, “If it weren’t for Brother Wen and Old Duan comparing their memories with mine, I would have thought that I had gone crazy. The superiors were also worried about that happening, so they even sent over people to do a psychological assessment.”

Ji Yushi’s pale and slender fingers placed the spoon down. It hit the edge of the bowl, letting out a small clang: “Psychological assessment?”

“Yes.” Li Chun said, “We woke up before you, so we have already done it. I heard from the nurse sister that we went missing for almost a month. It scared everyone so much, it almost became a legend. Right now, we are waiting for our reports to see if we pass. The results will determine when we can go home.”

Ji Yushi nodded.

This was the usual process.

Li Chun suddenly changed the subject and asked, “Advisor Ji, will you go back to Ning City when you are allowed to leave?”

“Yes.” Ji Yushi replied. He then added, “That is, if you don’t need my assistance to complete the A-level mission in Xijing City.”

He had come to this city originally to help complete that mission.

“That probably won’t be necessary.” Li Chun said, “That task has already been completed by another squad.”

Li Chun deserved his reputation as someone who is very talkative and likes to gossip. As soon as he woke up, he managed to get a good idea of everything that had happened after they left.

After the third command centre detected that the seventh squad had not reached the correct time and space coordinates and couldn’t be contacted, they promptly arranged for a search team to search for their whereabouts and the A-level mission was given to the ninth squad to complete.

The rankings of Guardian squads are fiercely competitive. Li Chun was miffed, “They probably still hoped that we won’t return so that they can take over our place.”

The reason for the rivalry between the two squads was probably because of the matter Ji Yushi was told about last time.

After he was done complaining, Li Chun asked expectantly, “Then, since Old Yu will probably need to retire, our squad will still be short of people. If we need help for the next mission, will you come Advisor Ji?”

Ji Yushi said, “Depends on the situation.”

Humans were like this. They would develop feelings after interacting with each other. Ji Yushi found that he couldn’t refuse expressionlessly like before.

Li Chun asked, “What kind of situation would it depend on?”

Ji Yushi, “……..”

Li Chun rubbed the back of his head, “That, we only just returned so it might be too early talking about this.”

Ji Yushi didn’t seem to be in good condition.

Even though it has been proven that he wasn’t a weakling, the fragile scene of him unable to unscrew a bottle cap was still deeply imprinted in their hearts. After Li Chun talked for a while, he soon left the ward to give Ji Yushi time to rest.

But soon after Li Chun left, the others arrived one after another.

The twins, Zhou Mingxuan and Duan Wen all dropped by. Because it was too rowdy, they were all ushered back to their rooms by the nurse after a while. In general, they all had one thought: They hoped that Ji Yushi could stay.

Ji Yushi felt a little helpless, but he was also a little shaken.

Having experienced such a dangerous and terrifying mission and having experienced such a cruel case of time and space hijacking, it was normal for it to leave behind a psychological shadow. Not to mention those with poor psychological endurance, even normal people would feel a resistance to getting back into the capsules for another transition.

But the Tianqiong Seventh Squad was different.

Of course, they had just returned to reality and it was impossible for them to have another mission so soon, but they were already thinking about their next mission.

With this kind of psychological endurance, they would most certainly pass the assessment with ease.

Unafraid and unable to die; the resilience of the seventh squad was awe-inspiring.

After the teammates left, an expert arrived as scheduled and performed a three-hour psychological assessment for Ji Yushi.

Before it ended, the expert asked three questions.

“Ji Yushi, during the transition error, did your trust in Tianqiong and the command centre waver at all?”

Ji Yushi said, “No.”

The expert asked, “Why?”

Ji Yushi, “Because if you described it as a ‘dimension’, I think that the ‘Tianqiong with self-awareness’ comes from a dimension that far surpasses ours, so this was just an accident that no one could predict. On the other hand, I also believed that Tianqiong and the command centre would be able to find us. All that we had to worry about was how long we would have to wait.”

The expert then asked, “And after the transition went wrong, did you ever think about using the opportunity to transition to another era?”

After asking this question, the pale-skinned expert pushed up his glasses and looked earnestly at Ji Yushi.

Ji Yushi lowered his eye. There was a small polygraph attached to his wrist detecting his pulse.

He spoke again with no change to his voice, “No, I have never had that thought because I know the organisation keeps its promises and will give me that opportunity sooner or later.”

The polygraph showed a green light.

The expert packed up the equipment and soon left the room.


At nine o’clock in the morning of the next day, all the reports for the seventh squad were sent out.

Everyone had passed. They could now leave.

After returning home, each person wrote a detailed report. In addition to that, the branch also granted them a three-month long vacation for them to recuperate. Once they return to Tianqiong, they are to have another psychological assessment.

Duan Wen brought back everyone’s personal belongings and gave Ji Yushi his clothes, phone etc

After Ji Yushi got dressed and opened the door of his ward, he was met with Song Qinglan leaning against the wall outside his door, “Advisor Ji.”

A familiar low voice.

It was like the first time it reached Ji Yushi’s ears through the public channel, catching him off guard.

Even his heart raced a little.

The man’s tall figure combined with his pair of long and straight legs gave him a strong presence. Even with him leaning back slightly, it gave Ji Yushi a small urge to retreat —- After not seeing him for a few days and with the addition of his final interaction being with the child version of the other party, the current adult version of Song Qinglan felt a little unfamiliar.

Song Qinglan seemed to have been bored waiting for him. As soon as Ji Yushi came out, he said, “You’re always so slow.”

This scene seemed familiar.

Ji Yushi remembered that when they were taking turns showering after returning from the rainforest, Song Qinglan had also waited for him outside.

Ji Yushi’s expression remained unchanged. His beautiful eyes looked at Song Qinglan, “Cap Song, are you here again to throw me an olive branch?”

“That’s not it.” Song Qinglan answered casually, “It’s no use rushing. Even if I throw a branch, Advisor Ji may not catch it anyway.”

He stood up from the wall and then curled his lips, “I actually woke up the earliest and wanted to see you before the others to leave myself with a good impression. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on my side and I was hit with a bunch of procedures. The people above really don’t want to give me a break.”

Song Qinglan was the captain. His circumstances were naturally different from theirs.

That was why Ji Yushi never asked when everyone apart from Song Qinglan visited him. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to get away so easily.

Ji Yushi said, “Then when I return, I will write more words of praise for you in my mission report.”

“No need to wait for the mission report.” Song Qinglan said in a relaxed tone, “Chief Qi wants to invite us to eat so you can just say something nice then.”


Ji Yushi frowned, “How many chiefs are there in the Jiang City branch?”

Song Qinglan said, “Only one. Why?”

The look in Ji Yushi’s eyes changed, “Then what about Chief Wang?”

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