Transmigration of Mian [Reluctantly] Becomes His Man [Wife]

Chapter 168: Into the Capital

The Emperor ordered Eunuch Li to escort Lei Tie and his family back to the Capital, apparently to prevent Lei Tie from leaving his family in Green Mountain Village. Thinking of this, Qin Mian and Lei Tie didn’t have much time to delay. They asked the servants to call the persons-in-charge of their several workshops and shops.

This hometown was the headquarters of Qin Mian and Lei Tie. They had no intention of giving it up. The bakery, restaurant, and Double Xiang House were still handed over to the current persons-in-charge. In order to encourage the three persons-in-charge to work harder, Qin Mian and Lei Tie had decided after a discussion to give them 10% of the profits of the stores they were responsible for.

Leisurely Farmhouse and Qilin Summer Mountain Villa were taken care of by Uncle Quan. Uncle Quan was to be the steward of their old home and responsible for everything. Lei Dahe was in charge of the winery, Lei Dashan was in charge of the vermicelli workshop, and Lei Dashu was in charge of the fermented tofu workshop. Uncle Quan’s monthly salary was raised to 5 taels of silver, while Lei Dahe, Lei Dashan, and Lei Dashu’s monthly salary were raised to 1 tael of silver. For the rest of the servants, the monthly salary of the third-class was increased by 50 Wen, that of the second-class by 100 Wen, and that of the first-class by 150 Wen.

Qin Mian and Lei Tie wanted to bring Uncle Fu, Aunt Fu, Lei-Qin Le, Lei-Qin Le’s wife, and the nine armed servants to the Capital. After all, they also needed confidants in the Capital. The rest of the servants stayed in Green Mountain Village.

It took Qin Mian and Lei Tie five days to settle everything in their home.

When it was time to leave, the whole family was very reluctant. Leisurely Farmhouse was built by Qin Mian and Lei Tie, where every place had their footprints and was full of their memories. Yuanyuan and Manman were also reluctant to leave. The home in the Capital would not be as full of fruit trees and flowers as their home in Green Mountain Village, let alone a unique amusement park.

The family of four took a last stroll in Leisurely Farmhouse. Lei Tie entrusted Lei Xiangyi, Lei Xiangli, and Li Zheng to take care of the house/family. The family got on the carriage and set off for the Capital. They brought a lot of special local products, so there were seven carriages in total.

Almost all the people in the village came out to see them off. They watched the carriages go up the mountain along the village road and disappear after climbing over the mountain slope.

It was impossible for Golden Fur and White Spot to like and get used to the life in the Capital. Qin Mian, Yuanyuan, and Manman could only bear the pain to leave them very reluctantly.

White Spot and Golden Fur seemed to know that they would be separated from the four masters for a long time; they looked very sullen. They sent the family all the way to the town and were driven back by Qin Mian.

Leaning on the window, looking at White Spot and Golden Fur’s figures gradually disappeared, Yuanyuan and Manman started to cry out, almost out of breath as tears rolled down their faces.

“Golden Fur—White Spot—”

Qin Mian and Lei Tie couldn’t coax them for a long time. The two little boys cried until they were tired and fell asleep.

The next day after departure, Lei Xiangzhi came to Qin Mian and Lei Tie’s carriage to inform them of the situation in the Capital, especially the forces in the officialdom. However, Lei Xiangzhi was only a sixth rank official now; he did not qualify to attend the Imperial Court. He only knew something about it.

The day before entering the Capital, Eunuch Li spurred his horse next to their carriage and chatted with Qin Mian and Lei Tie. Only then Qin Mian and Lei Tie had a general understanding of the Imperial Court.

After entering the Capital, with so many new things there were, Yuanyuan and Manman had temporarily pressed their yearning for White Spot and Golden Fur to the bottom of their hearts.

Eunuch Li came to their carriage and said, “State Defender Duke, the State Defender Duke Establishment is in Chong’en Street ahead of us. Almost all the people living in this street are first-class nobility and ministers. It’s not far from the Imperial Palace. It’s convenient for State Defender Duke to attend Imperial Court in the future. This inferior one first sends everyone back to the establishment to wash up, and then into the Imperial Palace to see His Majesty.”

“Thank you, Eunuch Li.” Lei Tie nodded to him as a signal.

“State Defender Duke is welcome.”

Chong’en Street was clean and spacious. It could accommodate four to five carriages. The carriage moved and stopped after about two quarters [of an hour].

Lei Tie got off the carriage first and carried Yuanyuan and Manman down. Qin Mian got off the carriage last.

In front of the compound of connecting courtyards, above the vermillion gate hung an impressive plaque of “State Defender Duke Establishment”. The gate was open wide. A short-bearded man ran out from inside with a smile and bowed to Lei Tie and Qin Mian.

“This servant is Chen Fu, sent by Commandery Prince1 Mu to take care of the State Defender Duke Establishment. This servant greets the State Defender Duke and the Lady of the State Defender Duke.”

Qin Mian’s countenance betrayed nothing. He had been called “wife” and “sister-in-law” for so many years. It was no big deal to be called “lady”.

“Forego the formalities. Commandery Prince Mu is?” Qin Mian thought of Mu Chen. The Imperial Household’s surname is Chen. If Commandery Prince Mu is indeed Mu Chen, then Mu Chen’s real name may be Chen Mufeng.

Sure enough, neither servile nor overbearing, Chen Fu said, “Answering to the Lady of the State Defender Duke; our Commandery Prince’s respected name is Chen Mufeng. The Commandery Prince said that when the State Defender Duke and the Lady of the State Defender Duke have settled down, he will invite the both of you to a meal and make amends.”

“Commandery Prince Mu has been thoughtful.” Lei Tie said, “My wife and I will pay him a visit some other day.”

“Yes, this servant will relay it to the Commandery Prince.”

Eunuch Li was still waiting, so they didn’t say much. Chen Fu brought them in.

There were many servants in the yard; who knew where they came from. Some were sweeping the floor, some were pruning sprigs, some were watering flowers……

Chen Fu led them to the washroom and left.

The family of four took a bath and changed into clean clothes.

Lei Tie had been reinstated to his official post. The official uniform was the principal uniform when one had an audience with the Emperor. He wore the official uniform of the Defender Grand General of the State. His black military uniform made him even taller and straighter, looking majestic with a compelling aura.

Qin Mian wore a black short unlined garment, a light blue wide belt around his waist, a vest of the same color on the outside, a pair of black slim-fit trousers on the bottom, and a pair of light tan ankle boots on the feet. His long hair was set free. He looked bright and brave in the manner of delicate beauty.

The two men measured each other. Unconsciously, they were somehow completely absorbed in seeing each other.

Yuanyuan and Manman’s hair had reached the shoulders. The top of their heads was arranged in a sheep’s horn braid. They each wore a lavender robe and a belt with an exquisite embroidered pouch on the left side and a white jade ornament on the right side – such a good pair of golden boys with graceful bearing. They looked at Lei Tie with eyes filled in admiration as a child would its parent.

Eunuch Li coughed softly, and the four of them came to their senses. Eunuch Li crammed them with the basic protocol of having an audience with the Emperor. What he didn’t know was that Lei Tie had taught Qin Mian, Yuanyuan, and Manman at home. Never judge Lei Tie who usually didn’t talk much. He was actually very careful. He quietly protected the people he cared about in his own way.

The foursome got into the carriage. The carriage drove steadily toward the Palace and stopped at the main entrance of the Palace, namely, the South Gate’s entrance.

There were three gateways in the South Gate: one main gate and two side gates. The foursome got out of the carriage, followed Eunuch Li through the east side gate, walked along the winding corridor of the Palace for a long time, and stopped at the Brilliant Palace where the Emperor resided.

Eunuch Li smilingly said, “State Defender Duke and Lady of the State Defender Duke, after walking for such a long time, the two little gongzis must be tired. The four of you can go there to have a rest for a while. This inferior one will go and report to His Majesty first.”

Inwardly, Qin Mian and Lei Tie knew that Eunuch Li must first report to the Emperor what he had learned along the way.

“Please go ahead, Eunuch Li.”

Lei Tie put Yuanyuan and Manman down. Qin Mian fixed their attires. He had been worried that they would be scared, but he saw them standing upright with clear and bright eyes. They only appeared curious and not in the least fear, proving themselves to be his and Lei Tie’s sons.

Lei Tie held Qin Mian’s hand and looked at him with concern.

Qin Mian returned with a smile to express that he was fine.

Eunuch Li walked carefully into the palace hall.

Emperor Xiaohui sat behind the imperial table, reading over the memorial to the throne.

“Your servant pays respect to His Majesty.”

Emperor Xiaohui glanced at him, then quickly wrote a few words before he put down the imperial brush, folded the memorial, and put it on the pile to the right.

“Return quite early. Rise. ”

“Many thanks, Your Majesty.”

Emperor Xiaohui asked, “What about State Defender Duke?”

Without concealing anything, Eunuch Li narrated everything from the moment he met Lei Tie.

Emperor Xiaohui asked with interest, “Is Green Mountain Village, Leisurely Farmhouse, and Qilin Summer Mountain Villa really like a fairyland on earth? If so, isn’t it better than Zhen’s Imperial Palace?”

One might well say that this last sentence was a criticism, but Eunuch Li did not panic. He had been serving Emperor Xiaohui for so many years; he knew when to tell lies and when to tell the truth.

“It can’t be compared with Your Majesty’s Imperial Palace. Green Mountain Village, Leisurely Farmhouse, and Qilin Summer Mountain Villa are not noble-spirited [low class]. However, their charms lie in nature and novelty. One can pick flowers in every three steps and fruits in every five steps. On top of that, there is a wide expanse of verdant wheat fields. Spring is evident everywhere; truly interesting.”

Emperor Xiaohui didn’t get angry. He nodded slightly and said in a gentle tone, “Listening to you –a servant– saying so, Zhen is interested to go and have a look.”

Eunuch Li smilingly said, “Reporting to Your Majesty: the youngest Lei-Daren hadn’t been to his hometown for three years, and this time back to Green Mountain Village, he was very emotional. On the way, your servant heard that he had made a painting of the ‘Land of Peach Blossoms’. Now, it’s half-finished.”

Emperor Xiaohui nodded with satisfaction, “When he finished the painting, have him present it [to the Emperor].”


Emperor Xiaohui again said, “Announce them in. Zhen wants to see what kind of person can conquer my Grand General.”

The palace hall was deep and quiet. The order from the Emperor was passed down to the palace maids until the palace attendant standing at the gate of Brilliant Palace, who then called out, “Announcing the present of State Defender Duke and his family—”

Lei Tie and Qin Mian walked into the hall carrying Yuanyuan and Manman. Their eyes drooped as they walked forward at an appropriate speed.

Sat in the dragon chair, Emperor Xiaohui looked at Lei Tie as they approached. When his eyes swept over the scar on Lei Tie’s face, a trace of displeasure flew away from his eyes. Then, his eyes fell on the young man beside Lei Tie. His sharp eyes flashed, looking pensive. Lei Tie, dressed in his official uniform, looked extensively might and sternly fierce. However, Qin Mian, an ordinary rural man, who stood beside him, was not only not affected by this kind of grandeur in the slightest, but his attire also vaguely conformed well with Lei Tie. From a high point of view, their figures were harmonious and connected at a deep level with each other. It could be deduced that this young man was not so simple. It was no wonder that he caught the eyes of this cold-hearted general.

Emperor Xiaohui’s eyes were also attracted to the two little boys. He looked at their facial features carefully. He inadvertently gave the two pairs of big curious eyes a wee smile and got two lovely smiles in return. The smile on his lips then turned deeper.

Qin Mian’s family stopped five or six steps away from the altar and knelt together.

“Your humble subject/This commoner greets Your Majesty the Emperor. Long live Your Majesty, absolutely long live!”


“Many thanks, Your Majesty.”

Emperor Xiaohui said, “Li Fushou, give seats to the State Defender Duke and his family.”


If you can’t do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it. Qin Mian and Lei Tie sat down in the armchairs brought by the attendants. Yuanyuan and Manman were given brocade stools. Upon seeing their fathers sat down, the two little boys also calmly sat down.

Emperor Xiaohui’s eyes flashed a ghost of a smile, and he looked at Lei Tie.

“Hope that State Defender Duke is well? Replying while sitting is fine.”

Lei Tie cupped his hands and said, “Living in the mountains and plains for a long time, [I’m] carefree and contented. How is Your Majesty?”

Emperor Xiaohui was glad for his second sentence. He didn’t try to figure out whether the previous sentence had a different meaning. Guilt shown in his eyes, “Your face… Zhen will order the Imperial Institute of Medicine to prescribe some good medicine for you.”

Lei Tie said, “Thanks to His Majesty’s care, but your humble subject would like to keep this scar.”

“Oh?” Emperor Xiaohui smiled faintly, too profound to be understood, “Why is that?”

Lei Tie lightly said, “This scar can block many troubles.”

Emperor Xiaohui gave him a meaningful look and looked at Qin Mian.

“It’s heard that Qin-gongzi has good medical skills. The accidental poisoning of State Defender Duke’s younger brother was solved by Qin-gongzi.”

“Qin-gongzi?” There was a haze floating in Lei Tie’s eyes.


  1. Jun Wang –a high title of nobility, ordinarily prefixed with a place-name designating the noble’s real or nominal fief; normally granted to sons of Imperial Princes (Qin Wang) by their principal wives, except for the eldest son; a prince of the 2nd degree. –Hucker

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