Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 83 Helpful System

Lucas stood up and was staring at his sword that was covered in red blood, \'is this what I came here for? To kill people?\' He asked himself.

"System, where are my teammates?" He spoke into the air after making sure that Notru is standing steady.

[They are stuck in the domain]

said System,

"Why did you bring me here?" Lucas asked.

[Because I thought you might enjoy seeing the results of your work]

The system replied and then added,

[It has been a long time since you were last here]

"So why are you so excited?" Lucas asked.

[I don\'t know] said System,

[Perhaps because I will soon be able to leave this planet. It\'s always sad to witness destruction but I am also fascinated by it]

It spoke like a human again.

[ There is so much beauty in chaos.]

Lucas didn\'t even hear the rest of System\'s words. All he could think about was how he would save his friends and get them back to

"System, give me all the information you have about The Domain," he said.


A hologram appeared in front of Lucas. It showed a picture of an individual and described his name as \'Oscar\'

"What do you know about him?" asked Lucas.

[His name is Oscar and he is one of The Raven\'s members]  answered System.

"Why is he important to us?"

[He is the only survivor of a battle between The Raven and a group of mercenaries led by a man named Torka]

"Was there anyone else with him?"

[There was a woman]  said System, [she is dead.]

"Is she important to us or to The Raven? What was her name?"

"Her name was Theora,"  The System replied.

"Does she have any special abilities?"

[Yes, she can control the weather, nothing else is known about her]

Lucas turned his attention to the map System projected in the air before him. It showed the location of The Raven in the centre, with all their bases marked in red.

Lucas pointed to a small dot in the middle of nowhere, a few hours from the camp where Lucas and his teammates were.

"Here," he said.

[If they see you, they may attack you]

"Thank you for being so friendly with me, but I don\'t need you anymore, you\'re free to go now," Lucas ordered the system to go.

[Wait, please,] said System, [I want to help you.]

"If you want to help me, then tell me where\'s Kali and Kalaini?" Lucas asked.

[You know about them?] asked System.

"Yes, I\'ve been searching for them since they disappeared from the forest."

[Well, their whereabouts are unknown,] it replied, [but I have good news for you.]

"What is it?" Lucas asked.

[They aren\'t dead, according to the last person who saw them, they were kidnapped by The Raven and taken to the forest where you must find them]  said System.

"I can tell you where your teammates are if you will allow me to touch the last person who saw them," Notru interrupted.

"The last person? How can you do that?" Lucas asked him and placed his hands on the boy\'s shoulders.

Notru who avoided eye contact with him looked hesitant to answer, but a couple of seconds later he replied to Lucas with widened eyes, "I\'m gifted, I can see your friend\'s whereabouts,"

[I guess, I\'m not needed]

The system vanished once more and Lucas didn\'t even bother, his main focus was Notru\'s last statement, "does it have to be a human?" He asked.

"No," Notru replied immediately to him.

Lucas removed his hands from the boy\'s shoulder and murmured with his lips, "Renexa!" He shouted and the white bird appeared.

"Please, can you see if it would work with this bird?" Lucas asked him kindly.

Renexa pushed her wings forward and furrowed her eyes, she looked displeased with Lucas\'s statements.

"Yes, let me touch it!" Notru exclaimed.

The boy touched her and he felt warm, Notru could feel something inside of her, like electricity, and then the bird started shaking. Notru looked down and saw that Renexa was trying to open her mouth.

"It\'s working!" Notru whispered and Lucas nodded.

In a matter of minutes, the bird opened her mouth and the boy took out a piece of paper from it. It was a message written by someone named \'Torka\'

"Your teammates are in the domain that belongs to Izek. Kali and Kalaini were taken by the organisation called Raven to the dungeons behind the castle." The boy read it out loud and the paper burnt itself.

"Can you find their location?" Lucas asked.

"I can\'t, it\'s too far."

"So, what can you do?" Lucas asked him again.

Notru grabbed the piece of paper and burned it again. This time, the paper was completely destroyed.

"I can\'t sense anything! I am useless!" Notru cried.

"Don\'t say that!" Lucas shouted at him and put his arms around his shoulders, then he saw a small vision of Kali being stuck in an old house with someone next to her. Lucas couldn\'t recognise it, but it clearly wasn\'t Kalaini.

"How did you do that?" Lucas gasped.

"A long time ago, my grandfather told me how to connect with animals," Notru explained to him. "But I can\'t do anything," he sobbed.

"That doesn\'t mean you are useless; I can teach you," Lucas offered him.

"Teach me?" Notru repeated the words and Lucas nodded,

"What type of animal are you best connected with?"

"I am best connected with birds," Notru answered him.

Lucas smiled, "then I will teach you how to use your powers with a bird."

"Alright," Notru said.

Lucas looked at Renexa and spoke, "get smaller and land on my shoulder," without any hesitation, Renexa\'s body sparkled and instead of two meters tall, she was now a size of a pigeon, "see, is this helpful now?" Lucas leaned closer to the boy and raised his eyebrow, a little smile appeared on his face too.

"That\'s actually really cool!" Notru said in excitement.

Lucas pulled away from him and gestured to the area where he had seen Haya, Xina and Lya last time, "Come here," he said.

Notru followed Lucas\'s instructions and landed on his shoulder. Lucas pointed to the sky and Notru turned to look up, "now, tell me what you see," Lucas commanded him, "touch the Renexa if needed to, but please find them,"

"There, there," Notru mumbled as he stared at the sky.

"Where?" Lucas asked him.

Notru pointed at the sky and Lucas looked up and saw a black dot, "that must be the domain!"

"You\'re right," Lucas confirmed and kept looking at the sky, "do you know where exactly?"

"No, but I can get a feeling that it\'s close to us," Notru said.

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