Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 49 Words From Izek

When Lucas touched the sword, he felt a sharp vibrating pain run through his body, it was Izek who wanted his attention.

-If I were you, I would not pick up this sword," he spoke from within himself.

The cold and isolated tone was Izek\'s thing. He wanted Lucas always to feel threatened in his existence, but at the same time, he needed Lucas to work with him for his future goals.

\'Why should I listen to you?\' Lucas closed his eyes and imagined Izek sitting on a plain chair in the middle of the darkness with a light bulb above him, looking directly into his eyes.

-Because then you will follow the history of this place.-

\'That\'s my goal, to follow and leave.\' Lucas rolled his eyes, showing that he was not at all comfortable with Izek\'s existence at the moment.

Being trapped in the body of a teenager was a great humiliation for Izek.

He had no freedom of his own, no full control unless Lucas allowed him to take over his body. He had slept for so long, and being tortured like this right after waking up was not ideal for him.

Izek was the first protagonist in this story.

The whole story was written about him and for him. This was to show his character development and how much he grows as a person.

His goals were clear in this place as the earlier protagonist. He had to win the tournament and defeat the villain of this story, but he fell in love with someone who was destined to die there.

This completely broke Izek, he lost full control of his actions and broke through the systematic mind controlled by the robot in this place. Not only did he break out of the system himself, but he also helped his teammates to do the same.

He helped Haya, Gina, Kalaini and many others to break control and run away.

Unfortunately, he was the only one who really wanted to kill and destroy the system, and so his daughter was born.


Xina was the daughter of Gina, his predetermined tragic lover.

Izek not only broke the rules and ruined the plot by killing his new lover with his own hands, but he also freed the elves from the robot controlling their minds.

Izek\'s goal was to get everyone out of the way here, unlock their characters, breathe life into everyone and not act as a programmed character who only had one or two lines in this story.

He admitted that if he wanted to ruin the system further, he had to do it slowly.

Izek disappeared from this place.

He hid somewhere deep down where no one could find him, not even the system itself. He experimented with his avatars and mana in complete freedom, abandoning his teammates and not thinking that they were suffering because of him.

Izek\'s loneliness made him think too much, forcing him to isolate himself even more from everyone. His mind lost control and his lover\'s moans forced him to seek revenge in this world.

This mindset made him forget his earlier goal of freeing all people from this world and he focused only on revenge. His goal was to kill all those who forced him to act this way and to drag the system out of the corner to torture and kill it with his own hands.

When he emerged from his secret hiding place, his mana turned completely black and strange. It was no longer the Izek that people here knew. The eyes that used to be red turned into dark demonic black eyes.

The body was no longer his. He looked like a worm with hands and legs. His radiant smile was gone from his face forever.

Without caring what he did with the story and how much he changed it, Izek began to attack the portal next to the hidden wall of Araya, hoping to find the system that was hiding there.

But he found nothing, the years he had spent preparing for this battle were for nothing.

Unable to find the system, Izek began attacking innocent people of this story. Whoever regained consciousness still remembered the evil deeds of Izek. The way he kept destroying and murdering people in this place.

The crazy darkness surrounded him and smelled of a thousand dead and sacrificed bodies just to hit the system.

Those who had no control over their minds and were only extras simply died and came back to life. Without pain or suffering.

The extras in this story only served to make this place look busy. To talk to them and contact them, you had to complete small missions and unlock their voices, but no one cared.

Izek was a destruction machine that first attacked the elves.

They were the most intelligent beings in the place, so he thought if he could attack them first, he would meet the creator of the city.

He made Renexa and the dragon turn evil and forced them to carry out his villainous deeds, giving the elves even more reason to hate him, until he saw Xina...

Xina was the daughter whom Izek killed, destroying the plot line.

She was his first love in this place and having to kill her just to prove the system wrong drove him crazy.

But when he saw Xina as a child wandering around the city looking for someone to protect her, Izek stopped his madness and killing and turned his back on her to walk away, that\'s when the system struck and locked him in his own-made pills.

That was the reason why Izek still cannot forgive the system for its attack.

It paid him no attention when he was ready to destroy it, but as soon as he turned away and calmed down, it struck.

It imprisoned him and did not allow him to fully return to this world and raise his own daughter.

But now the system wants to play games with him, tease him and torture him with this doll whose body he is locked into

-If you want to use the sword, I will be the one to end your life with it.-

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